Scope in search of a pistol


NES Member
Jun 24, 2016
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I bought a Leupold FX II 4x28 handgun scope today at a good price. My original intent was the replace the burris on my Ruger Super Redhawk. I've never been happy with it but it certainly looks the part. I think now I might have changed my mind. The Ruger doesn't get a lot of use and unlike the Burris which is silver the Leupold is black and appears mismatched. So now to the question at hand. I am starting my look for a pistol to mount the Leupold to. I am not in any hurry to buy and I've put zero thought into it so far. Open to suggestions so have at it.
I bought a Leupold FX II 4x28 handgun scope today at a good price. My original intent was the replace the burris on my Ruger Super Redhawk. I've never been happy with it but it certainly looks the part. I think now I might have changed my mind. The Ruger doesn't get a lot of use and unlike the Burris which is silver the Leupold is black and appears mismatched. So now to the question at hand. I am starting my look for a pistol to mount the Leupold to. I am not in any hurry to buy and I've put zero thought into it so far. Open to suggestions so have at it.
a 4x presumes a hunting rig, and 50-150 yds distances. quite an interesting setup, but i would think, a very specific thing.
like some pictures in this thread, if you have a taste for such things.
50-150 yard handgun hunting cartridge?

.44 mag for anything east of the mississippi

Model 629 .44 Magnum Hunter?


Weight: 61.9 ozs

lol i'd want to put a sling on that thing and carry it hasty style. would probably work out a super quiet holster system for a bipod too.
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