Second Amendment Sisters

I also visited over there ( a little bit. Not my kind of people. I also spent a LOT of time at FALFiles and AKFiles. Both were good, but there was too damned much backbiting and fighting at FALFiles. I finally got sick of it, and found a better class of people, and locals at that. There's a few FALFilers from my area that are members here as well.
Over on Arfcom, I mainly stick to the womens,or survival forum there. I just don't care for the women bashing,etc threads that are a daily basis there. I prefer boards like this one. We have a really good group here and I want it to stay that way. [lol] [wink]
Yeah, I mostly checked out the VT and NY area forums, and sometimes the AK forums. If I'd gotten involved in the AR-15 forums, I'd just end up booted off for getting into it with some moron. I had my fill of idiots and morons on FALFiles.
Derek and I first met at arfcom and got to know each other over some months. We finally got sick of BS and arm-chair quarterbacks that thought they could tell everyone, including the likes of Gunner Pat Rogers how wrong they were. We began discussing starting our own forum and Derek decided to host it (pay for it). We also decided on the type of people and the atmosphere we would tolerate and encourage. We also choose carefully the folks at arfcom we wanted to invite personally and then Derek put up and open invite in the New (Old) England forum. With very few exceptions it has turned out as planned. Nearly a year. We've good folks and good info, and I appreciate all of you.
reinbeau said:
MrsWildweasel said:
Learn something new everyday. Didn't know you came over from ARFCOM too Tony. I knew Derek was there. [wink]
Please, what is ARFCOM [?]

Not recommended for those who dislike macho male posturing, arguments, outright lies and braggarts (and occasional idiots).

I also came here from what time I spent in the Neu England forum.
Oh, yes, I've seen that AR15 forum. Macho posturing and generally childish posts? Try GlockTalk. What a bunch of maroons! [lol] The only forums I read there now are the Women's Issues and the Walther forum. My hubby reads and posts there all the time, but he's one of the reasonable posters.

I far prefer the tone of this forum and look forward to reading and interacting more. He registered here, but he misspelled his user name and doesn't have another e-mail address to register properly :( So he's just browsing. I've offered to set up another account for him, but he's stubborn [lol]
he fixed my nick in about 20 mins after I PM'd him.

Man looks like I lucked out bigtime. This is my first shooting forum, and really with the quality of it, it's members, and the volume of post-traffic, I have little desire to go elsewhere. Nor do I think there are enugh hours in the day for me to doso 8)


-Weer'd Beard

Send a PM to Derek mid-next week with the particulars and he'll take care of it. Derek will be back before then, but he'll need a day or two to play catch-up.

Moderators don't have the power to do that.

Right now Derek is visiting his Family in MN, with only dial-up, so he isn't spending much time here. He'll be back next week some time and you can be sure that he'll take care of it then.
reinbeau said:
Len, I did send him a PM, but it turns out Hubby has already asked. So, we'll wait until Derek can get to it, no biggy. Thanx!

I think it might have been me that he PM'd. :D I was going to forward his pm to Derek once he was back for him to delete it.

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