This is where I'm at. The longest shot was 70ish yards? Yeah, it was a 'moving' target, at what 5mph?Such precision???
Last month I was out at the range with my boys. Youngest was having issues with my G44. The man target was at 50 yards - Mansifeld wants steel at the berms. This was, maybe, an hour in. I've been working on getting my form back.
Anyhow, I load up the gun with one round to find out what's up. (Oh, it was a light-strike on one round - that was it.) Insert the mag, rack the slide, push out, bam PING!
I wasn't even LOOKING at the target. I mean, I was facing it. It seemed to be in teh center of my view. But I was just trying to see if it was a gun thing or a bullet thing. The boys were in amazement.
Am I now a pro shot because I made that one from taht distance without really thinking??? Should I call Rob Leatham and get on the tour or something???
I don't think that Oswald was a pro shooter. I also don't think 3 shots under 100yds you should be able to hit a head shot once. He did. And he pulled his second shot out of panic. Maybe didn't have the gun seated in his shoulder before boogerhooking the bangswitch.
Just because someone succeeds does not mean they are qualified. (I'll point to Tony Eason - Super Bowl starting QB. LOL)
Don't confuse luck with skill.
They also found where the 'missing' shot went, into a street sign that the limo crossed line of sight as it moved down the street.
Give almost anyone a scoped rifle and they will hit a human sized target inside of 100 yards. There's literally no calculation to do, put crosshair where you want hole, pull trigger.
The History Channel literally debunked every conspiracy claim a while back. How did Oswald make it from the library, kill the PO, and get to the theatre? By walking slowly. Even the conspiracy guy on the show said he'd have to go back and think about some stuff. I doubt he changed his mind, but literally every theory he submitted, got slammed dunked.