Service Type

Which category do you fit in?

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Just finished my 20 and it was a good run! From Special Operations to Forward surgical team to mobilization training to end as a Special Agent. Good times GREAT people we are all cut from the same cloth and it has been a honor serving with you all.
Just finished my 20 and it was a good run! From Special Operations to Forward surgical team to mobilization training to end as a Special Agent. Good times GREAT people we are all cut from the same cloth and it has been a honor serving with you all.

Glad you finally made it here, Bri.....miss the Army yet??? [wink]
Thank you both for your service.
Army Sarge one of things hubby and I truly wished was that we had stayed in and gone back to Berlin for the wall coming down. Would have been really cool to have been there then.[grin]
I was hoping somebody would pick up on the Marines and Navy being 1 and 2. I only ordered the Services . I dont want you LEO's getting all mad at me. :D

Oh, they're still all out of whack. I could see the Marines being listed before the Coast Guard, and would have no problem with my beloved Coast Guard sitting at number 2. I have a lot of respect for Marines, and was very, very impressed by those down at the SMTC at LeJeune. Very patient, too, to put up with all of us Hooligan Boatswain's Mates trying to drink every single beer in Courthouse Bay. Never seen anyone enjoy being oppressed like some of the more 'boot' variety, but man am I glad they're on our side. The level of discipline is incredible, and worthy of a lot of respect.

BUT, with the Marine Corps being a wholly owned subsidiary of the Navy, it would by default drag them back down the list. Shame, too ;)

USCG 1999-present.
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Because of you, and those that came before you, my sons are growing up speaking English, not Russian or Japanese or German or French or even The King's English.
Again, thank you.
I just signed up and thought I should vote. So uhh hi. I did active time as well as National Guard. Any other reseverists out there?

Service included the 44th ENG's in Korea. 11th at FT Stewart GA and 101 in Bridgewater. MOS 12B, I think now it's 21B.

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