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Ok, I'll jump in...

US Army Security Agency, 1967-71
Ft. Leonardwood, MO
Ft. Devens (O5H)
Phu Bai/Camp Eagle (101st)
Saigon/Long Than North (146th Av.Co.)(O5H3FF3)
Vint Hill Farm (VA)
Udorn, Thailand (and points north - aviation, again)
Submariner in Unckle Sam's Nuclear Canoe Club


and US Merchant Marine Officer

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Ten years (1982 - 1992) as an Army Combat Engineer, preceeded by four years at "Hudson High", a.k.a. the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. See screen name: USMA-82

Spent first three years at Fort Campbell, KY with the 101st Airborne Div, a year at Fort Belvoir, Virginia, three years in Germany (Aschaffenburg, near Frankfurt), two years back in the States for Grad School (U of NH), then a final year with the (civilian) Corps of Engineers at the former Fort Devens in Massachusetts.

Along the way, was issued a wife and two children.

Big regret: left Germany three months before the wall came down....


Sounds like we we there at the same time. I was at Fiori Kaserne with 4-7 IN (D Co. Platoon Leader, XO, and HHC XO) from Sept '88 thru Nov '91.

Rock of the Marne!
Safety Guy for a private High Tech Lab, with 14 years experience on a County Haz/Mat Response Team in Buffalo, NY and Certified WMD Technician training by the DOJ and ATF. Oh, and I did anthrax sampling for the US Post Office in October 2001.

Just a normal citizen.
Safety Guy for a private High Tech Lab, with 14 years experience on a County Haz/Mat Response Team in Buffalo, NY and Certified WMD Technician training by the DOJ and ATF. Oh, and I did anthrax sampling for the US Post Office in October 2001.

Just a normal citizen.

P-14, I got the training I needed to get into biotech facilities and lab management from my stint as an NBC MOS instructor for the Army. Welcome to the forum.
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