Shark Crashes Swim Call

Andy in NH

NES Life Member
NES Member
Aug 14, 2007
Feedback: 6 / 0 / 0

Well done ME1 Cintron!

With the shark roughly 30 feet from its prey, the designated shark watch, Maritime Enforcement Specialist 1st Class Samuel Cintron, locked on target, and under orders of his chief, opened fire at the menace -- a "well-aimed burst right at/on top of the shark to protect shipmates just feet away."
The shark turned away briefly but then turned again toward crew members who were swimming for the Jacob's ladder, the ship's small boat launch or the small boat.
And then Cintron opened fire again.

Maritime Enforcement Specialist 1st Class Cintron
Nothing's more fun than boarding vessels at gunpoint for the sake of "safety" compliance, eh?
Just about anything would be. Fortunately, I’ve never seen a boarding strictly for inspecting compliance with safety regulations conducted at gunpoint. Heard plenty of my brother in law went to college with a guy whose sister’s boyfriend knows a guy with a boat that read about it on an internet gun forum stories, though.

It’s also fortunate that the guys that are into that boarding boats shit are into it, because the SAR dogs - and especially Surfmen - want nothing to do with it. It falls squarely in the category of “not fun”.
The shark wasn’t injured? Great shooting.
5.56 versus water = shark wins

Even .30 cal has little effective penetration in water.

Just about anything would be. Fortunately, I’ve never seen a boarding strictly for inspecting compliance with safety regulations conducted at gunpoint.
Just like on-shore traffic stops, every boarding has "at gunpoint" as the backup. And death, for non-compliance.
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