

Dec 7, 2005
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There are lots of designs for Shelters using various materials but it all comes down to having lots of MASS between you and the Nuclear Radioactive material.

Sort of excavating miles deep into a bedrock mountian the average home shelter can be made using common materials. Steel Reinforced Concreat with extra lead ecapsulated into the roof would be the most economical.

A source of Breathable Air and Potable water must be included for the duration of the shelter use.

This would be a fun progect that I would like to try if I could get the use of a bucket loader/backhoe.
I have been interested in survival subjects since last year and I recently found this article How to Build a Temporary Wilderness Shelter which explains how to build a "poncho shelter" and a "natural shelter". This kind of knowing can be crucial in a tough situation. Has anyone built this type of shelter before? Was it useful? Give some advices please.
How to Build a Survival Shelter

It's not rocket surgery.

The real trick is knowing that you need to build a shelter early enough in the day, so that you can complete it while there is enough light to see what you're doing. I taught my kids that if you make a fist, and place it between the sun and the horizon (assuming OK cloud conditions of course), you have about an hour's light. You need at least 2 fists.

Oh, nice necropost, on a 10-year-old thread!
I have been interested in survival subjects since last year and I recently found this article How to Build a Temporary Wilderness Shelter which explains how to build a "poncho shelter" and a "natural shelter". This kind of knowing can be crucial in a tough situation. Has anyone built this type of shelter before? Was it useful? Give some advices please.
Poncho or tarp shelters are great....and easy. Backwoods camped many times worth my son using a tarp. Oh....and spent too many nights to count under a poncho hooch in the infantry in my younger days.
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