NES Member
better have more than 1 hatch/escape tunnel. Concealed means concealed
2 is 1.....
The immediate question that comes to mind is if you did that big of a hole, you aren't doing it with a home sized tractor. You're also going to have to get a rigger/crane, etc for the site work and setting one of those monstrosities.
Doesn't putting one of those in just about blow any hope of OPSEC you might have and paint a 40x20 target on you?
I think it would only work if you lived in an area with enough privacy that neighbors wouldn't see what's going on, and you could get the company to move the parts in during the dead of night, or otherwise disguise the shipments. Full assembly on site would probably be a necessity. And you'd also need enough money to be able to hire a non-local work crew, and everybody would need to be willing to do it all without permits.
Even then, all it takes is one person with a big mouth to "see something say something" and your OPSEC is blown.