Ship guns via Gun Broker with no FFL


NES Member
Jan 13, 2013
Metro West in Commichusetts
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Just got this from Gun Broker:

Until now, unlicensed individuals couldn’t ship firearms themselves—but that’s changed! With Shipping, you no longer need to visit an FFL to have them ship your firearm through a major carrier.

GunBroker has partnered with UPS to allow individuals without an FFL to ship firearms through our system—securely and in full compliance with regulations. Our system ensures your firearm is shipped only to a licensed dealer who will receive and transfer it to your buyer. This guarantees that all firearm shipments follow the proper legal procedures.

Simply follow the UPS Firearm Shipping Guidelines to ensure a smooth shipping process.

For full details on shipping firearms, visit our Firearm Shipping Guide in our Help Center.
What a load of crap!!!

Legally any gun via UPS or Fedex and long guns by USPS.
By policy long guns by USPS and NOTHING by UPS or Fedex

So if you are a private party there was no way you could straight up ship anything but long guns yourself. This of course does not stop most people as I regularly receive guns via UPS or Fedex from private parties that just throw them in a box and ship me "machine parts". But if you are trying to follow both the law AND company policy, you had a problem. is Buds gunshop offering a shipping service providing a label and shipping under their auspices to meet Fedex and UPS company policies. Any local FFL could ship for you.

That gunbroker is offering this WILL help a bunch of people who had a harder time with "machine parts" or over priced FFLs.
I am not usually of pants shitting hysterics but another reason I use an FFL all the time is this.... if an FFL is making a shipment, and something goes missing... well, they can get the attention of the shipper VERY FAST when the "well, if you guys cant find it I have to report the gun stolen/missing to the ATF" conversation comes up. And a non dealer shipper... doesn't per se have that

Also even for just a repair on the way back.... I want an FFL receiving my gun during business hrs/channels. So that I dont come to my house and find a small box hanging off a doorknob in a f***ing plastic bag. (I know people this has happened to, despite "adult sig required" etc, it still happens). No thanks. I'd rather be able to just go to an FFL and pick my gun up when it
comes back and let someone else deal with the logistics.

ETA: It also helps that.... I can go to an FFL on a night or weekend and pick up or drop off the gun. If I have to ship it myself that means I have to take time off from work to do it, literally costing me more money in the process. I can spend a fraction of that having one of my FFL buddies move it for me "when my time is cheaper" like on a saturday or sunday or something.
Huh. I shipped several handguns to sig for warranty/service work from kinkos/fedex in MA over the years.
Your cognitive dissonance is you are thinking about what you have done and I am talking about what is legal and/or in compliance with common carrier policies. In many cases you have violated policies or in some cases the law. Violation of policy has the practical impact of being guaranteed they will deny any insurance claim and that is about it. Violating the law is unlikely to have consequences unless something really bad happens down stream.

Fedex and UPS changed their policies in roughly 1/20/21. They no longer accept ANY firearms from unlicensed people. If disclosed and employees are aware, they would not accept the guns.

Kinkos drop off is actually not in compliance with federal law. Federal law exempts common carriers from a bunch of gun laws. But that means Fedex owned/operated store/depot and drivers. A franchise store or a 3rd party is NOT protected and they would have said this on their respective websites back when they did accept guns. Even today for FFLs, they "require" that we have pickup service for all firearm shipments. I just hand to my drivers when they drop stuff off.
lol did you openly disclose there was a handgun in the box? or did you do the prepay label and drop thing? lmao

I always packed it in front of the clerk at the Rt114 store in danvers across from bagel world.
Sig shipped them back directly to my house, signature required.
Don't recall if sig issued a call tag, been a while.
Fedex and UPS changed their policies in roughly 1/20/21. They no longer accept ANY firearms from unlicensed people. If disclosed and employees are aware, they would not accept the guns.

Kinkos drop off is actually not in compliance with federal law. Federal law exempts common carriers from a bunch of gun laws. But that means Fedex owned/operated store/depot and drivers. A franchise store or a 3rd party is NOT protected and they would have said this on their respective websites back when they did accept guns. Even today for FFLs, they "require" that we have pickup service for all firearm shipments. I just hand to my drivers when they drop stuff off.

It's worth noting though that the gun manufacturer service departments don't seem to care about any of that, like does the system even say THIS IS A GUN until the actual UPS truck comes to
the place to pick up the package? Are S&W still sending people preprint labels for guns? etc. My gut instinct is those manufs arent declaring at all in the process of generating that
label. [rofl]
Fedex and UPS changed their policies in roughly 1/20/21. They no longer accept ANY firearms from unlicensed people. If disclosed and employees are aware, they would not accept the guns.

Kinkos drop off is actually not in compliance with federal law. Federal law exempts common carriers from a bunch of gun laws. But that means Fedex owned/operated store/depot and drivers. A franchise store or a 3rd party is NOT protected and they would have said this on their respective websites back when they did accept guns. Even today for FFLs, they "require" that we have pickup service for all firearm shipments. I just hand to my drivers when they drop stuff off.

Yeah I remember when fedex changed policy, this was before that.
I'd already switched to glock so it no longer mattered to me as my guns always worked lol.
The store I used was FedEx owned, at least at the time, as several closer ones were no-go when I called them.
I always packed it in front of the clerk at the Rt114 store in danvers across from bagel world.
Sig shipped them back directly to my house, signature required.
Don't recall if sig issued a call tag, been a while.

The reason I mention the call tag etc is because they sort of satitates the person you're dropping the package with from having to ask questions because they're not collecting money to ship the product... the person who provided the label was supposed to do that for you, effectively.
The reason I mention the call tag etc is because they sort of satitates the person you're dropping the package with from having to ask questions because they're not collecting money to ship the product... the person who provided the label was supposed to do that for you, effectively.
Yup. They are good with FFL provided shipping labels which is how most RMAs work. They also ask no questions when I print my own labels and drop at the store. It usually goes like "just dropping this off, already paid" and they wave at me and ignore me and I am done.
I have run into several local FFLs who told be they receive but not ship guns. 4-Seasons was one. Perhaps this has been becoming a problem and GB has stepped up which helps us and them as well. I like what they have done.
It's worth noting though that the gun manufacturer service departments don't seem to care about any of that, like does the system even say THIS IS A GUN until the actual UPS truck comes to
the place to pick up the package? Are S&W still sending people preprint labels for guns? etc. My gut instinct is those manufs arent declaring at all in the process of generating that
label. [rofl]
This was before the policy change but I had a couple of guns going to S&W for repair. S&W sent the label and I dropped the box off at a UPS depot. The clerk scanned the tracking number and said to me . . . "it contains a gun" to which I corrected her and told her "no, it contains two guns". She handed me a receipt and that it.
I am not usually of pants shitting hysterics but another reason I use an FFL all the time is this.... if an FFL is making a shipment, and something goes missing... well, they can get the attention of the shipper VERY FAST when the "well, if you guys cant find it I have to report the gun stolen/missing to the ATF" conversation comes up. And a non dealer shipper... doesn't per se have that
Having read the BATFE reg on this, I interpret it to mean ANY FFL must report to BATFE any lost or stolen gun within a very short time-period. So, even if it is a modern gun, my holding a C&R FFL means that I am obligated to report any lost gun and can use that same threat to make a shipper (or airline) pay attention to the issue. Personally I like this feature, as I never want my guns to go astray.
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