Shooting reported outside Empire State Building

I thought someone yelled "DOG!" and the police just opened fire out of reflex (or the police saw a professional dog walker and their 'training' kicked in.)

Id offer to start a fund to get the officers seeing eye dogs to tell them where to shoot but im afraid it would end badly for the seeing eye dogs.
What I am stunned at is the Cops were 8 to 9 feet away from that guy. I mean, [hmmm]
You mean to tell me you cannot hit center mass on every shot at that distance, and from what I can see not taking ANY fire from that guy?
Are you KIDDING me? [bs1]

Jack: Tell me again Harry, why did I take this job?
Harry Temple: Oh come on, thirty more years of this, you get a tiny pension and a cheap gold watch.
Jack: Cool.
We were down there the second week of July for a few days visit. We stayed almost right across the street from the Empire State building. A lot of shady looking characters in that city. I felt naked without my carry gun. Nice place to visit, but don't want to live there and don't care if I ever go there again.
How is this possible? Guns are illegal in NYC! And how did he not get netted in the "stop and frisk" campaign! Quick, more laws!

Great to see the cops hit more people than the attacker did.

So in 7 seconds the two Leo's fired appx 8 rounds each, hitting the perp, who was less than 10ft away and NINE bystanders... From the video, it looks like the prep should have been able to cancel the two cops fairly easily.
Final score - 16 shots fired by PD, 7 hit the perp, 9 bystanders wounded or hit by debris.
Some interesting observations by the professer of police tactics.
Also - corpse photo alert.

If bullets fired by police or fragments struck civilians, then the officers were also lucky to be alive, since bullets could have boomeranged in their direction, said Eugene O'Donnell, a professor of police studies at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice.
Whaaat? [bs1]

He apparently wasn't able to fire before police killed him, one firing off seven rounds and the other nine. Bystanders suffered graze wounds, and some were struck by concrete gouged from buildings by the bullets, authorities said. At least one person said he was actually hit by a bullet.
It looks like 100% of the bystanders were hit by the police.

For civilians, O'Donnell recommends they find something big and sturdy to hide behind if they hear gunshots.

"Be creative in taking cover," he said. "Always find something to duck behind, a fire hydrant, go into the gutter, in the curb."

He advised against running: "You're not going to outrun a bullet."
Just make sure you don't inadvertently stand your ground!
Never seen that video of the guy shooting a rifle (.50BMG?) at the range and a ricochet zooms back and takes off his earpro?

I have. These cops were not shooting a .50BMG, I'm pretty sure. Certainly fragments can ricochet, saying they were "lucky to be alive" is stretching it a bit I think.
Just a little update for anyone interested from my previous post:


You need new friends. Any "friend" you have that suggests the banning or otherwise further regulation of firearms should be immediately responded to with "Freedom of Speach should not apply to stupid people". This should resolve your shitty friend status quickly. Here's how a Facebook post should look.

I take offense to all of the police bashers in here. The policemen in this situation was in a complete no win situation.

I am disgusted by some of the comments regarding thier actions, Most of us have never had to react in 30 seconds and choose to deliver fatal wounds to a crazed madman. I am pretty sure the NYP officers involved in this incident feel terrible about it.
Hard to completely miss at 8' distance. Easy for bullets to pass through perp. What is NYPD carry round?

not sure about down there, but my buddy in NH was issued an M&P fotay

I'm sure it was either a 9mm or a fotay, regardless, that kind of civilian damage is unacceptable. The footage linked above where the engagement was shown to have taken place at pretty much point blank removes caliber from the equation.
I take offense to all of the police bashers in here. The policemen in this situation was in a complete no win situation.

I am disgusted by some of the comments regarding thier actions, Most of us have never had to react in 30 seconds and choose to deliver fatal wounds to a crazed madman. I am pretty sure the NYP officers involved in this incident feel terrible about it.

I doubt you would feel the same if you called them and reported a robbery at your home if they came and shot the whole family incl your dog up along with the robber. More then likely you would have been saying they should have waited until they could minimize casualties and brought down the robber. My guess anyway!
I take offense to all of the police bashers in here. The policemen in this situation was in a complete no win situation.

I am disgusted by some of the comments regarding thier actions, Most of us have never had to react in 30 seconds and choose to deliver fatal wounds to a crazed madman. I am pretty sure the NYP officers involved in this incident feel terrible about it.

What do you take offense to? The fact that people here are calling out the obvious fact that the police should not have fired at the bad guy knowing there was a huge number of innocent bystanders right behind him? Sure, most of us haven't been in that situation, but one of the first things they teach you in any shooting class is that you know what is behind your target and you don't shoot if you can't make the shot. I would hope that most cops understand that if their backdrop is a crowd of people, shooting is not an acceptable situation, or at least dumping a whole magazine is inappropriate.

The police could have backed away, they could have tried to calm the guy down, but instead they immediately escalated the situation, and shot 8 bystanders, making this situation far worse than it would have been otherwise. If the police didn't show up at all, the bad guy goes home, the police arrest him later, no one else is hurt. Instead, they chose to engage the bad guy in an extremely crowded area, and apparently didn't take into consideration the welfare of the people around them.

At my club, we have this sign posted at every firing line. It says something about being responsible for every single bullet that comes out of your gun.

Or are you being sarcastic?
How do police officers not know basic firearms safety? Always know what's behind your target. Two of NYPD's finest put eight rounds in pedestrians. This is not acceptable.

There's a video out now of the two of them drawing and firing on the perp with what looks like people running in between the cops and their target.

These two officers should not have firearms! Do something Mayor Bloomie!

Also noticed the NYPD drew the thin blue line up double-quick and claims these two chuckleheads acted appropriately.
The police responded to a shooting and that guy clearly pulled the gun from the bag. That's all they needed to see. If they did not shoot, they would have been victims also. They stopped the threat.
If you want to talk about collateral damage, just look at what some of our military hits are like.
The police responded to a shooting and that guy clearly pulled the gun from the bag. That's all they needed to see. If they did not shoot, they would have been victims also. They stopped the threat.
If you want to talk about collateral damage, just look at what some of our military hits are like.

o rly?
The police responded to a shooting and that guy clearly pulled the gun from the bag. That's all they needed to see. If they did not shoot, they would have been victims also. They stopped the threat.
If you want to talk about collateral damage, just look at what some of our military hits are like.

According to the reports I read the guy did not fire a shot at the police and yet they fired 16 rounds between the two of them. 7 of which supposed to have hit the target.

Military issue is factually untrue and if you knew what investigation steps they take in the military when shots are fired, you would not have made the comparison. They are very high tech with regard to investigating encounters in a civilian population these days.

Ironically FYI, I just had the conversation with my son that just returned recently from tours in Afganistan and Iraq with his Airborne unit training police and security. The equipment is wired and when they are on patrol if shots are fired there is a big PIA investigation when they get back on base.
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When I was in the military, I prayed there were never any friendly fire on us. It did happen though.
OK, they should have let the guy pull the gun and shoot some more, that makes sense. It's nice to learn about back ground and who is behind the shot, but when your butt is on the line, you do what you have to do or become a victim.
The police responded to a shooting and that guy clearly pulled the gun from the bag. That's all they needed to see. If they did not shoot, they would have been victims also. They stopped the threat.
If you want to talk about collateral damage, just look at what some of our military hits are like.

I believe I saw a different scenario, though, it was the same video. In the video I saw, the gunman was no threat to the pedestrians, the cops that initiated the encounter and escalated the situation to the point of dumping their magazines into a crowded area WHERE the threat to the public and that threat was fulfilled.
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