To reiterate - current standing COF without any proposed changes -
Target - 8x11.5" sheet of paper oriented vertically at 100 yards
Shooters may place a barrier anywhere between 100-15 yards
Shooters may carry a sidearm and engage with it
Barrier and sidearm are optional
1. Start at 100 yard line with unloaded weapon - audible or visible signal starts time
2. Run to target, touch target, and return to 100 yard line
3. Load weapon and fire 3 rounds
4. Bound from 100 yards in 3-5 second bounds, taking up a prone position after each bound - except at the optional barrier
5. Fire at least one 3-round engagement between 100-75 yards, 75-50 yards, 50-25 yards, 25-0 yards
6. Close to 5 yards, announce "LOA," and return to the starting line with expediency
7. React to counter-attack by firing a minimum of 3 rounds at the target from the starting line (100 yards)
In addition - based on what I've been seeing, though I will need to get scoring on the four runs (thornejc, EVR, EVR, and 449) - I think the "SCORE H" model is probably going to be most productive -
SCORE H consists of:
1. Total Elapsed time.
2. Marksmanship -
0-16 hits - UNQUALIFIED
17-22 hits - MARKSMAN (no time deduction)
23-26 hits - SHARPSHOOTER (30 second time deduction from final combined time)
27-30 hits - EXPERT (1 minute time deduction from final combined time)
In addition - Target Score is multiplied x2, with each "point" corresponding to 1 second added to combined score
3. Defilade Time -
7 seconds per defilade position allotted
Each 1/10th of a second over 7 seconds = 1 second penalty
ONLY penalties are added to the combined time
Defilade Time penalties in excess of 4 minutes and 30 seconds (4:30.0) will result in an UNQUALIFIED score
4. Exposure Time -
5 seconds per exposure allotted
Each 1/10th of a second over 5 seconds = 1 second penalty
ALL Exposure Time, including actual exposures AND penalties are added together
TOTAL Exposure Time is multiplied x1.5 THEN added to combined time
Exposure Time totals after 1.5x weighting in excess of 6 minutes and 15 seconds (6:15.0) will result in an UNQUALIFIED score
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________
For clarity's sake:
Total combined score will be expressed in a SINGLE TIME which includes the target score (x2), marksmanship deductions, DT, and ET (x1.5)
If a shooter is UNQUALIFIED in ANY of the 3 qualification categories, his or her score will be followed by an "UNQ" with the events that the shooter DID NOT qualify in parenthesis - "TGT" for marksmanship/target, "DT" for Defilade Time, and "ET" for Exposure Time
Thus - a shooter with a total combined score of 6 minutes, 17.3 seconds, who was unqualified for excessive ET would have their score expressed as -
06:17.3 - UNQ (ET)