Shotguns perfect for HD - BULL !!!!!

I bought a cheap old shotty for $75 just to chop it down for HD. I get where you're coming from, people are telling you, you don't need an AR-15 for home defense, I just tell thos people you don't need a car that goes over 65 but hey nice Porche. I choose a 12Ga pump for HD because there is nothing scarier to a crook climing through you window than the sound of a racking 12Ga. and when it comes to most amound of lead on target its hard to beat a shotty.

Chambering a round into almost any firearm is typically enough to get the crook to think twice (or more) about coming in, or staying. Of course, many of us would have the firearm locked and loaded already, so the first sound they'll hear is of a round being sent to them. Chances are, that will be one of the last things they hear. I might give a verbal warning to an intruder, or just let the firearm do all the talking for me. I hope to never be in that position, but I'm confident that if I do get put into that situation, I'll come out on top.
Chambering a round into almost any firearm is typically enough to get the crook to think twice (or more) about coming in, or staying. Of course, many of us would have the firearm locked and loaded already, so the first sound they'll hear is of a round being sent to them. Chances are, that will be one of the last things they hear. I might give a verbal warning to an intruder, or just let the firearm do all the talking for me. I hope to never be in that position, but I'm confident that if I do get put into that situation, I'll come out on top.

I don't keep the long guns out my 908 is by my bedside loaded while i am in bed so in all probability that is what I would grab. So if I were to grab the shot gun i would need to load it so it being loaded and chambered would be heard by all.

Your statment brings a question to my mind though. at short distance would you even hear the round being fired? I can understand over a long distance and sub sonic ammo you may hear the crack before getting cracked. but i think in a self defence situation if you didn't see the gun you never know there was one it was just one second i'm awake the next im not
I don't keep the long guns out my 908 is by my bedside loaded while i am in bed so in all probability that is what I would grab. So if I were to grab the shot gun i would need to load it so it being loaded and chambered would be heard by all.

Your statment brings a question to my mind though. at short distance would you even hear the round being fired? I can understand over a long distance and sub sonic ammo you may hear the crack before getting cracked. but i think in a self defence situation if you didn't see the gun you never know there was one it was just one second i'm awake the next im not

At short distances, the sound, flash, and impact are close enough together to be virtual simultaneous. In a home/self defense situation, it's more of an IDGAF event. If I'm going to where the shotgun is, then there's enough intruders that I've already sent out at least 30 rounds and the neighbors are probably awake and the cops are either on the way or there already.

BTW, I have the shotgun's magazine tube pre-loaded in the safe. There's no round in the chamber, but it won't take but a moment to fix that. I'm also looking into other storage options for my firearms to assist in a SHTF event. Since I don't live in one of the nanny states, I don't have to have them under lock and key 24/7.
At short distances, the sound, flash, and impact are close enough together to be virtual simultaneous. In a home/self defense situation, it's more of an IDGAF event. If I'm going to where the shotgun is, then there's enough intruders that I've already sent out at least 30 rounds and the neighbors are probably awake and the cops are either on the way or there already.

BTW, I have the shotgun's magazine tube pre-loaded in the safe. There's no round in the chamber, but it won't take but a moment to fix that. I'm also looking into other storage options for my firearms to assist in a SHTF event. Since I don't live in one of the nanny states, I don't have to have them under lock and key 24/7.

I supose in the scenario you painted if my house was under seige and i was going for a shot gun I would grap my saiga 12 the mags are left loaded so that would be ready to go a lot faster than the pump.
I supose in the scenario you painted if my house was under seige and i was going for a shot gun I would grap my saiga 12 the mags are left loaded so that would be ready to go a lot faster than the pump.

I'd grab what you're comfortable using, with enough rounds ready for use. If that's the Saiga 12, then so be it. Right now, that would be my P14-45 initially, followed by either the Remington 870 or AR15. Later I might opt to use the AR15 based pistol, with 30 round magazines. Of course, I'll have a set of ear muffs right along with it so that I don't go deaf while defending myself... lol
Has anyone heard anything about the KSG Tactical Model (NFA) with the 13.7" barrel? Like MSRP and who has them in the state?
Running ? A 44" Semi-Auto 12 GA. Pistol Grip, Picatinny Rail, Ghost Ring, Flash Suppressor. Beautiful, Fast, Reliable. But just TOO LONG in my tiny house !!
tactics! tactics! tactics! almost anything is negligible if you train for it. [smile]
the shotgun is one of the most highly used guns for home defense. In some foreign countries. The only thing you're allowed to own is a shotgun. In the old days, the shotgun put meat on the table and defended the homestead.
The Mossberg 500 Cruiser/Persuader with 18.5 inch barrel and a 12 inch length of pull butt-stock is a hallway howitzer, very easy to handle and maneuver indoors. Don't hesitate to consider one.
The Mossberg 500 Cruiser/Persuader with 18.5 inch barrel and a 12 inch length of pull butt-stock is a hallway howitzer, very easy to handle and maneuver indoors. Don't hesitate to consider one.

Only issue with the mossy is the location of the safety vs. pistol grip config. *negligible if your HSLD,
Only issue with the mossy is the location of the safety vs. pistol grip config. *negligible if your HSLD,

True enough, but even without the pistolgrip buttstock, it's still a fine weapon.

Still, I was thinking about modifying a stock a bit for the mossberg by grinding away some of the polymer where the slide release goes thereby allowing an easy way to slide your hand up the pistolgrip enough to activate the release and reach the safety with your thumb.
On the one at North Shore Firearms, do you know if it was the NFA (short-barreled shotgun) Model or if it was the standard 18.5" model?
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The Governor

000 buck = 3 rounds of .40 cal at better than 800fps.

Real easy to get around corners too.

So why do shotty's suck ? They're way too LONG !

I recently picked up a 9mm Carbine...partially for fun, but also I was looking at something that would make sense for home defense. Shorter in length for maneuverability, AR-style with laser light bonus for accuracy and intimidation, and shoots same ammo as my carry gun. It suits my needs. I agree that a typical shot gun is too long for me to personally use inside my house with same effectiveness....where effectiveness is a combination of factors.
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I bought a cheap old shotty for $75 just to chop it down for HD. I get where you're coming from, people are telling you, you don't need an AR-15 for home defense, I just tell thos people you don't need a car that goes over 65 but hey nice Porche. I choose a 12Ga pump for HD because there is nothing scarier to a crook climing through you window than the sound of a racking 12Ga. and when it comes to most amound of lead on target its hard to beat a shotty.

I don't want the bad guy to hear it rack. To me that is just an invitation to receive return fire, announces your presence, and deprives you the quick shot if you need it. Err hold on, I know you got the drop on my but let me rack my gun.
I don't want the bad guy to hear it rack. To me that is just an invitation to receive return fire, announces your presence, and deprives you the quick shot if you need it. Err hold on, I know you got the drop on my but let me rack my gun.

Rifle is to keep BG off your property
Shotgun is to keep BG out of your house
Pistol is to keep BG off your body

With that said its tough to beat a saiga 12 with a folding stock and 12 rounds of 3" 00 buck each with 15 30 cal projectiles.

Its tough to beat 330 30 cal projectiles in 5 seconds......
I supose in the scenario you painted if my house was under seige and i was going for a shot gun I would grap my saiga 12 the mags are left loaded so that would be ready to go a lot faster than the pump.

Do a quick rack on the pump shotty before grabbing the saiga. You can claim that you attempted to de-escalate the situation before resorting to violence.
they have to get in first, then the dog, then the semi auto 10ga with dob shot, then the throw down next to the fool, then a nice cold one.
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