Shots fired near Leominster bar

One thing that especially annoys me about that charge is this guy is getting the same benefit someone would actually get if they had an FID card, eg, some minimal attempt at actually complying with the law... and that's basically revolting because its like saying "Oh, well, criminals don't need an FID... the state will just "give them one" in court.... lame lame lame....


That bothers you more than:

Charges of assault with a dangerous weapon (gun), threatening to commit a crime, and two counts of intimidation of a witness were dismissed.

Huh... [grin]
It makes me think of cases where the state goes after the legal gun owner for minor infractions, derived from laws that are unclear at best. However, a clear criminal like this gets off with very little punishment. This person has demonstrated a perpensity towards violence and a willingness to shoot another human being. That right there should make the prosecutors pursue every option at keeping this individual locked up for as long as possible.
They just changed the charge for the plea deal.


That's not about restrictions, as we usually think of them. (EG, like restrictions on an LTC, violation of which does not carry a typical jail-bearing penalty, btw, but a fine and possible loss/suspension of license. ) That charge is what you would get if you had an FID card and were caught with a handgun off premise. I'm surprised it's even applicable anymore. (Although ostensibly, there are individuals out there with FIDS that still have P2P cards for handguns... maybe. ) You are right, they stuck that one on the guy to water
down the charges.... IMHO it's crap that he got off easy.


One thing that especially annoys me about that charge is this guy is getting the same benefit someone would actually get if they had an FID card, eg, some minimal attempt at actually complying with the law... and that's basically revolting because its like saying "Oh, well, criminals don't need an FID... the state will just "give them one" in court.... lame lame lame....

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