Any closeups of the G? I really want to do an AK build with a worn or carved stock set and make a BFPU. I have all the resources but I'm still reluctant.
don't be shy from it. I thought it was going to be terribly hard- it's not. Did 5 of them with my friends with very minimal tools: arbor press, punch set, BF hammers, bench vice, drilll press, riveting jigs, and an angle grinder. I put up a how-to build guid in the build section... take a look at it.
Right here We ran into some problems, but no show stoppers besides a rivet arm of our jig bending to the point of getting stress fractures. The guy that made it for me replaced it with 2 arms, one of a harder rockwell steel and one with the same kind. A good guy from over on
I'd take some close up pics, but since the receiver isn't finished, it'd be kind of pointless. My wood is worn, but no carvings or anything. Some of my friends stocks and grips had field repair and soldiers names carved in them. Really sweet stuff. Mine has vice grip teeth marks and water wear from sitting in a puddle... not as glamorous. I plan on doing a steel wool job to some casey's blue solution to the receiver to get it to match the rest of the rifle's bluing job.
here we go... just snapped some pictures. As you can tell, nothing much besides a factory stamp and a bunch of beat up vice teeth marks... and hell, it could be from the demiller for all I know. d'oh!
you can see one of the rear rivets that I need to redo in the last picture. My friends are mailing me the jigs so I can use a hammer or a big bench vise to re-do the rear two rivets. They were too short and sheared after some handling and 600 rounds.
And now that you have me thinking of it, the grain looks pretty good on both parts. It might actually look good if it was refinished to a point and then artificially worn down by me with some steel wool. Hmmm... maybe it's the vodka seeping into my head.