Show me your Glocks!

As promised... Here are some quick and dirty photos...

Rear sight in focus:

Front sight in focus:

What you see at night:

What kind of holster did you use prior to the installation of those sight? Did you have to change holsters after installation? That front sight look to be much taller than the stock sight or the Trijicon night sights for that matter.
What kind of holster did you use prior to the installation of those sight? Did you have to change holsters after installation? That front sight look to be much taller than the stock sight or the Trijicon night sights for that matter.

I use a Raven Phantom for OWB and a Comptac CTAC for IWB. Changing the sights to the Warrens didn't affect holstering or unholstering with either. The CTAC has a huge sight channel built in... and the Raven (even though extremely fitted to the gun) has enough of a sight channel that it was still fine.
I use a Raven Phantom for OWB and a Comptac CTAC for IWB. Changing the sights to the Warrens didn't affect holstering or unholstering with either. The CTAC has a huge sight channel built in... and the Raven (even though extremely fitted to the gun) has enough of a sight channel that it was still fine.

Excellent. I've been thinking at getting some night sights for my CCW Glock 30. I have a Comptac MTAC holster for it. Initially I was looking at the Trijicon sights but I like sight picture of the Warren sights much better.
Hey Nick

How do you like those Arrendondo +5's? I have had my eye on picking them up for a while, do they actually give you +5, or are the like the +2's that only give you +1? Any feed problems?

Hey Nick

How do you like those Arrendondo +5's? I have had my eye on picking them up for a while, do they actually give you +5, or are the like the +2's that only give you +1? Any feed problems?


They will hold an extra 5 rounds no problem. They feed rounds by racking just fine, but I had some problems using M&M reloads when I test fired 50rds. Could have been the recoil rod needs replacing though, so I won't automatically blame the extension. They are very well made I will say and I would have no problem trusting that they'll work when I need them to.
Hey Jim

You did [smile]

Oh... and completely unrelated... If anyone needs sights installed... Jim at Four Seasons will take care of you [wink]
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My Glock collection : G23C, G17, G19, G27, G33



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i just picked upi my first GLOCK today. have to take pics...

got a G36. was looking for a carry gun... wasnt even really thinking about a GLOCK. but i like how slim the 36 is. and yes... i ahve a love for the .45 ACP... i know... i could have gone with a 9 or a 40... but... idk...

i just love the .45

Now i have to take her out and shoot her!

sorry for the crappy cell phone pics... but it was either a new Glock or a digital cam... (last one was left on our cruise this summer)

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2nd Generation Glock 23
Nightsights, 2) 10-round magazines, Serpa Blackhawk holser. Love this .40 S&W, just the right size. Looking into a 9mm and/or .357 SIG conversion for it and an extended slide release. (Not sure about an extended mag release though.)


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Been busy adding some brothers/sister to the collection.

Two Big Brothers



The younger Sister


My Glock Family : G21SF, G23C, G26OD, G19, G30SF, G27, G33, G17

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Nice G20!! If you ever sell, you have a buyer here, mine is a lowly 2.5Gen :-(

Thanks. Dont see letting go of her anytime soon. Had a gen 1 when in school years ago but sold her before leaving the free state to come back east. Always missed having a 10mm. BTW, I dont think any g20 can be "lowly", regardless of gen or condition IMHO. [smile]

I like what you did with the safe door, nice set up. I gotta get my safe more organized.
Thanks. Dont see letting go of her anytime soon. Had a gen 1 when in school years ago but sold her before leaving the free state to come back east. Always missed having a 10mm. BTW, I dont think any g20 can be "lowly", regardless of gen or condition IMHO. [smile]

I like what you did with the safe door, nice set up. I gotta get my safe more organized.

Thanks! The G20 takes the top spot on the safe door [grin]
More siblings joining the family. [smile][smile][smile]

Slim Glock 36

Handcannon Glock 29

New Siblings group photo

The Glock Bunch family
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