FWIW...Something else to consider is what you bring for vehicle repair. Some years back I read an article in an off-road magazine about what you should bring for different off-road adventures. They suggested a fair amount of things to bring on even a simple woods trip and led up to what to pack for an extreme off-road trip. I'll try to find the article online but if I can't I think I still have the magazine (if I do, I'll scan the article and put it on here). Just a few things off of the top of my head: Tire repair kits (having a spare doesn't do much good if you've already had to use it). Air pump/compressor Electrical wire & connectors (can come in handy for more than just vehicle repairs). Hi-Jack (4 foot off-road jack). Spare u-joints Extra fluids (coolant, tranny, brake, oil, steering, etc). Extra belts & hoses & clamps............. ..............The list goes on. Those are just a few of the basic items for a short woods type of trip. I've really got to find the article. I know it will definitely be some food for thought. I know y'all don't wanna have to leave your SHTF/EOTWAWKI war wagons over something stupid.[wink]

Once I find the article I will post a link or if I have to I will attach a .pdf of it.
To get you started, here's an article for some of the basics:

and another:
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Now if only it was running...

Assuming the vans/sedans/trucks are not an option:
We have enough motorcycles/dirtbikes for the family (and drivers); and if water is the route of choice, the boats.
Motorcycles are great, because you can split lanes in traffic, and take hiking trails if need be.

I wish I had a plane in the garage, but I haven't gotten to that step just yet. lol

new guy, if you ever want to sell that thing let me know.
I'd love a small motorcycle like a Honda Hawk for commuting. I need something bigger than a moped or scooter to get up hills, but enjoy speed too much to know I might not want something faster. I wish they'd bring the Hawk back.
I was thinking of perhaps an ld armored truck, like Brinks uses, might be a decent start at a SHTF vehicle. I havent given it much thought, but there is room in the back for fuel, guns and ammo, food and supplies.
That would be a sick kit truck, that I would actually consider.

Which one? The H2? That is basically a Tahoe with a body kit, right? Plus, didn't GM do away with the Hummer line? I think a kit will be the only way to get one now, other than used.
I like the motorcycle ideas and offroad vehicles: all the roads will be jammed with traffic, so you gotta beat it out on the trails or split lanes like a mofo [wink]

taking cues from the road warrior (gas is scarce, and you gotta look mean) I built this little bad boy


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