Sig Mosquito Mass Compliant?


NES Member
Mar 11, 2005
Stoneham MA
Feedback: 7 / 0 / 0
Im a little confused. Yesterday I received an e-mail notification from AG Guns saying that the Sig Mosquito was now a Mass complaint gun and available for sale for $399.95.

I was under the impression that even if a gun had been sanctioned to be on the list, it wasn't actually supposed to be available for sale until the next version of the list was published and the testing was done to meet the AG's misguided regs. If this is the case, wouldn't they have to wait until a new version of the list is released? Any thoughts?

I was under the impression that even if a gun had been sanctioned to be on the list, it wasn't actually supposed to be available for sale until the next version of the list was published and the testing was done to meet the AG's misguided regs. If this is the case, wouldn't they have to wait until a new version of the list is released? Any thoughts?

That's my impression also..that it has to be on the list before it can be sold in Ma. The new S&W M&P pistols are being shipped to dealers, but they can't be sold in Mass. even though they are Ma. compliant.
The pistol must be on the list, but it must also be signed off by the AG. He does not post a list so you have to go by the manufactures word that they are compliant. Aint it great [roll]
Yes, it must be on the published list (EOPS) to be available for sale. Also, the AG does NOT approve anything . . . he only DIS-approves (by sending letters with fines to the mfr/dist/FFLs) of anything that he doesn't like. This forces the mfr to assume the risk of "approving" their own product.
LenS said:
Yes, it must be on the published list (EOPS) to be available for sale. Also, the AG does NOT approve anything . . . he only DIS-approves (by sending letters with fines to the mfr/dist/FFLs) of anything that he doesn't like. This forces the mfr to assume the risk of "approving" their own product.

Hum, Kinda like the Glock issue.
We were selling them at Northeast Trading today for $409.99. I was "looking" at them for a little while. I like'em alot. Just might have to pick one up.
The CHSB website has the JULY AFR up. I don't see a SIG "Mosquito" on it.

Which suggests that any Mass. sales of this gun are, to put it charitably, premature.
C-pher said:
Moderator said:
We were selling them at Northeast Trading today for $409.99. I was "looking" at them for a little while. I like'em alot. Just might have to pick one up.

You might have to buy two and I'll pay you when I have the money. [twisted]

I am working today, I'll be there around 3:30 or so. If you have a few min stop in and check it out.
Moderator said:
C-pher said:
Moderator said:
We were selling them at Northeast Trading today for $409.99. I was "looking" at them for a little while. I like'em alot. Just might have to pick one up.

You might have to buy two and I'll pay you when I have the money. [twisted]

I am working today, I'll be there around 3:30 or so. If you have a few min stop in and check it out.

Ok, you're going to buy me one? You're so great. Thanks...I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a misquito today. :D :D
Thanks for the link to the new roster.

Which brings us to the question: Why doesn't the CHSB site bring it up? [roll]
Scrivener said:
Thanks for the link to the new roster.

Which brings us to the question: Why doesn't the CHSB site bring it up? [roll]

Mr. Scrivener, You are a very smart person. I am sure you don't need me to point out for the fact that the state still does and probably always will drag their feet on anything that can help us out on getting new guns and pro-gun laws passed.

Someone may have dropped the ball with the website, my guess is that it's just not a priority.
Scrivener wrote:
The CHSB website has the JULY AFR up. I don't see a SIG "Mosquito" on it.

Which suggests that any Mass. sales of this gun are, to put it charitably, premature.

Thats exactly why I originally asked. I went to the CHSB site and clicked on the link for the list. It brought up the July 05 list. Assuming (incorrectly of course) that it would show the most recent list, I thought that dealers were jumping the gun on selling the Mosquito.

Once again, I have proved to myself that the only thing you can assume about govermental agencies it that you can't assume anything.
This is exciting. When it came out I called SIG and they said that they had no plans as of then to market in MA. I wrote them off! Guess not.

I'd love to get a hold of one of them! Now I just need $400...
Funny, the guys at M&M sporting goods told me Sig made this gun for Mass residents!!!!

Different note: There are a whole line of new Para's coming out. The Warthog and another officer type look cool!!! Collector's website has them listed.

Picked mine up today at AG Guns. Can't wait to get it to the range.
Seems very well balanced. Only disappointment is that the US model is shipped with only one mag, euro models are shipped with two mags. Had to order another mag from Sig on line. A llittle expensive at 39.00.
I was hot to buy one when they first came out. However, after reading many negative reviews on the Mosquito over at Sigforum, I'll hold off indefinitely. My Walther P22 eats whatever ammo I feed it and has been utterly reliable for over 1,500 rounds. The Mosquitos that DO work are still real fussy about ammo.

The early P22s apparently had teething problems, but Walther eventually go tthem right. I hope the same applies to the Mosquito.
wchandler said:
Funny, the guys at M&M sporting goods told me Sig made this gun for Mass residents!!!!

Different note: There are a whole line of new Para's coming out. The Warthog and another officer type look cool!!! Collector's website has them listed.

I guess it is possible that Sig made them for Ma, But I think they were going to make it anyway... My opion is that them being Ma compliant is just a bonus for them and us.

Yes there are a few new Para's coming out. As far as the Warhog goes only the blued model compliant right now from what I hear, not the stainless... major bummer. I want one real bad.
I'm putting a Mosquito on layaway tomorrow

I called Sig customer service and they made the sale, by putting to rest all the internet rumors.

They did say that it can be picky about ammo but the guy told me what to use and what not to use.

People mean well, but if you believed everything
you read on the internet you would never leave your house.

Anyway, I've decided it is my next toy! [lol]
Re: I'm putting a Mosquito on layaway tomorrow

News Shooter said:
I called Sig customer service and they made the sale, by putting to rest all the internet rumors.

They did say that it can be picky about ammo but the guy told me what to use and what not to use.

People mean well, but if you believed everything
you read on the internet you would never leave your house.

Anyway, I've decided it is my next toy! [lol]

And of course a company that wants to sell it's product would never tell you that it is great. :D

Re: Thank you

News Shooter said:
Very kind responses

I think they're just trying to say that often times you get a more objective review from folks who've owned a product than you will from the manufacturer. It holds true in most cases. The internet's been a great way to get many opinions from folks you would otherwise not encounter. It just takes the ability to seperate the wheat from the chaff, so to speak.
Not meant to be unkind at all. Just responses. I would tell you either way, to buy it, and if you don't like it or have issues with it to sell it.

I personally wouldn't feel good about buying a gun knowing that I could only feed it what they tell me, and not whatever I can buy for the cheapest $.

Information gleaned from Internet sources (strangers) can be spotty. There's a lot of BS out there. There's also a LOT of good info. You just got to sort through it. Myself, I trust folks I know. Most people on this forum I would trust. Other forums, well.......
Well, as the owner of a Mosquito, let me throw in my 2 cents. Overall it's not a bad Pistol..there are a few things I don't like about it.
1. Is that it only comes with 1 mag.
2. The 3 dot yellow sights suck. (hard to see them in dim light)
3. Too many safeties on it.

I guess those are it's faults for now. I fired 30 rds of CCI stinger ammo and had about 5 FTF, accuracy wasn't bad at 7 yds. I think the sites, lack of good lighting and me with the wrong glasses contributed to that. Next time I take it to the range, I'll use a variety of ammo and see what it likes.

I guess I'll keep it. :D
I didn't mean any disrespect; I just think you are better off asking reliable sources outside of the manufacture.

We have sold a few of them and I haven't heard any complaints, I think they are nice little guns.

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