Sig P226 or S&W M&P

Aug 1, 2011
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I'm looking to purchase my first handgun as a college graduation gift, to me, from me.

I've spent the last few months saving and researching various firearms and have narrowed the selection down to the Sig Sauer P226 and Smith&Wesson M&P, both in 9mm. Both fit my hand extremely well and are almost identically accurate (for me). The M&P I fired was well broken in, but had the MA trigger which I would need to get fixed. I did enjoy the handling of the P226 slightly to the M&P, but I'm not sure if it's worth the additional cost. I could justify purchasing new, since I do plan on this firearm being the 'one' I keep for many years.

Any thoughts? M&P with fixed trigger, (certified) used P226, or new P226? If I do buy used, what do should I look for?

I got a chance to handle the two side by side (again) and will be going with a Sig, since it feels/handles better in my hand. I'll start shopping around, but I haven't fully decided on getting used or new.
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Sounds to me you liked the Sig a tad bit more. You answered your own question. Do you! Whatever you buy you will make your own. Most of the modern firearms are equally reliable and in the end that is all that matters. Other opinions not so much but I am sure the good people here where tell you the pros and cons of each.
Some like the Sig DA/SA trigger. Personally I can't stand it. If I had one I'd probably get one that is DAO. The stock MA M&P trigger does really suck. It can easily be made great with an APEX kit or a competent gunsmith.

People will be along shortly to tell you that the M&P sucks and you should get a Glock
I recently took a 3 day handgun class (Combat Focus Shooting and Advanced Pistol Handling in Westford, MA) in mid-July where we fired approx 1,600 rounds through our handguns in the 3 days. That's a lot of firing and range time!

During this class, I used my duty issued 9mm Sig P226R, being LE. I had absolutely no malfunctions or problems with my handgun during this class. However, almost every other student had gun issues at one time or another during this class (there were a total of 11 of us, including me). Other firearms used were the 'venerable 1911' (he went through two (2) 1911 models before finishing class with a M&P), many Glocks of various calibers, and others.

The Sig P226 model is a tank and will reliably eat whatever you feed it. The only 'issue' some may have with it is the double/single action may take some practice and getting used to.
You should try them both to see which one you like better. I have a p226 and it is a great hand gun - was my first. If you go with the P226, get one with a short reset trigger (SRT). If you get an M&P, you will need a trigger job.
In a similar situation myself, buying my first 9mm semi.. both of your options were in the top of my list with the P226 at the top. My biggest qualifier is that it 'felt right' .. 2nd being price.. so I think I'm going with the Ruger P95 :)
I don't think comparing a P226 to a M&P is the best idea. They're two completely different types of handguns. What are you going to use it for?

BTW, I would buy either used.... especially in the case of the P226, you'll save a boatload of money, particularly if you don't need/want a light rail.

If you like the sig, get the sig.

Check out this link:

for some deals on Sig 226s.

I have a love hate relationship with the 226. I respect it for the fine firearm that it is. I enjoy handling and shooting it because its such a nicely done piece of art in metal. Like a 1911, but not as fussy. Unfortunately, I don't shoot one well. And thats the botom line.

My M&P I shoot well. Its been reliable and with a burwell gunsmithing DIY trigger job, I've got the trigger down to 4.5# on my Lyman digital trigger gauge. I could probably go lower if I wanted to , but thats where I want to be.

So in summary. They're both fine guns. Get the one you like best.

I don't think comparing a P226 to a M&P is the best idea. They're two completely different types of handguns. What are you going to use it for?

BTW, I would buy either used.... especially in the case of the P226, you'll save a boatload of money, particularly if you don't need/want a light rail.


It's less of a comparison. Of the multiple semi-auto handguns I've shot, these two fit me best. If I were to purchase a used Sig, what sort of things should I make sure to check? What's a good 'used' price range?
I own both in 9mm and prefer the 226. One reason is that I have lost faith in striker fired pistols. The SIG is no bed of roses either; the MA (old style) trigger sucks. You will need (I needed it anyway) the new SRT trigger, which is not MA compliant. The custom shop at the factory will install the SRT for about $160, if I remember correctly. I did not go that route; I paid Bruce Gray(GGI) a lot of money for a custom trigger job as the 226 is a match gun. After about 5000 rounds the extractor tip sheared off. This is the only problem I have had so far with the 226 and SIG quickly replaced the broken part. I like my SIG but don't see what all the hoopla is about SIGs. Out of the box, I think the S&W 5906 is a better gun.
It really doesn't matter what you're first gun will be.
You will be buying another soon enough which will extinguish the dilemma of the "What ... first gun purchase."
Sig is more money because its more gun. I have had both of the guns you mentioned. Im my modest opinion the Sig hands down out of the box is one of the most reliable handguns you will find. I own several.
Look for a police refurb Sig 226. Many have very little internal wear as they are only fired once a year (to qualify). You can save a lot of $$ and wind up with a handgun that is "almost new" except for holster wear. I picked one up a couple of years ago and it came with a few pre-ban hicaps. It also has the same form factor as the P220 (my first .45)....I can use the same holsters for either gun. Refurbs can be a great buy.
My 226 has been very reliable. I'd recommend that firearm to anyone based on my experience with it.

As for the da/sa thing, you could always use the Lynn Thompson approach and launch that first round into the bg's foot. [wink][wink]
if it comes down to 226 vs. M&P i say go for the M&P.

i have a 225 and when it doesn't shoot right--it's me, not the gun. as for the M&Ps it's personal preference based on how they feel in my hand and how i shoot with them, i also don't like how there are extra steps to strip a M&P down (even if they are just small ones).
My 226 has been very reliable. I'd recommend that firearm to anyone based on my experience with it.

As for the da/sa thing, you could always use the Lynn Thompson approach and launch that first round into the bg's foot. [wink][wink]

Or do what 5906 shooters used to do in the early days of IDPA, thumb cock the hammer for the first shot.


p.s. those 5906 Performance Center guns were pretty sweet
Or do what 5906 shooters used to do in the early days of IDPA, thumb cock the hammer for the first shot.

I hope you're joking. Either learn to shoot the gun as designed, or buy a different gun.

Personally, I hate DA/SA triggers and like M&Ps (I own 3). To the OP, when you shot the SIG, did you shoot much double action? The single action trigger feels great, but the DA sucks. This leads to most people only shooting SA at the range, and then when they work from the holster, they struggle mightily.
Like others have said, if you like the P226 a little better then go with that. I'd opt for a used one in good shape. There have been rumors coming out that the new Sigs coming out don't have the same level of QC.

If you like the P226 also consider the S&W 5906, also used, and reasonably priced and also plenty of pre-ban hi-cap mags available. This gun was designed to go head to head with the P226...a little harder to field strip...but you might be surprised at what great guns they can be.
Or do what 5906 shooters used to do in the early days of IDPA, thumb cock the hammer for the first shot.
I shoot IDPA with a revolver. It is faster to shoot DA than to cock it. Been there, done that. Now my revolver doesn't have a hammer spur anymore.
I hope you're joking. Either learn to shoot the gun as designed, or buy a different gun.

Personally, I hate DA/SA triggers and like M&Ps (I own 3). To the OP, when you shot the SIG, did you shoot much double action? The single action trigger feels great, but the DA sucks. This leads to most people only shooting SA at the range, and then when they work from the holster, they struggle mightily.

I didn't have any problems with either trigger since learned on a double action revolver when I was a kid. I fired the Sig in DOA (decock between shots), DA/SA, and SA. The M&P I fired had a MA trigger which felt about 10lbs, but I would prefer a slightly lighter pull.
Extra steps compared to what, a glock? You do know you can just pull the trigger, right?

really? the way i was shown (forget what shop) was to screw with a little spring if i remember correctly. if i don't have the info %100 right let's correct it so that people looking for info on the M&P find the right stuff. [grin]
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