Sig P226 or S&W M&P

really? the way i was shown (forget what shop) was to screw with a little spring if i remember correctly. if i don't have the info %100 right let's correct it so that people looking for info on the M&P find the right stuff. [grin]

They put that "feature" because so my cops were shooting themselves with "empty" glocks. You can take it down just like a glock by pulling the trigger rather than using the sear deactivation lever.
Sig P226 or M&P

I own both a Sig P220 and M&P 45, tend to lean to M&P for now just because more time with it. My I make an other suggestion the Ruger SR9c . Great trigger no change needed adjustable sight very nice feeland a very accurate gun. If conceal carry is what gun is for very easy to conceal. Good luck in your choice.
If you shoot better with the Sig, get the Sig. It's a great handgun and won't disappoint. As far as what to look for when buying used a quick google pulled up this link:

It's based on a link that appears to have been archived. sigforum is a great resource and I'm sure you'll find similar useful information over there. The stock trigger on a P226 is typically very good, although without the SRT (or trigger job) the trigger reset is a little on the long side. If you're mechanically inclined you can buy the parts and do the SRT yourself.
Buy which ever pistol works best for you. What good is a pistol if you can't get your hand around the grip ? For me the S&W would be a better choice because I have small hands, but IMHO the Sig is a better pistol, I own and carry a Sig P-225.
I bought a Sig P226 as my first handgun and have absolutely nothing bad to say about the gun. I found everything from the recoil and lack of malfunctions to the ease of cleaning to be very beginner friendly. Pre-ban mags aren't too difficult to find for it either which is a big plus.

I can't speak for the S&W since I don't own one.
It's less of a comparison. Of the multiple semi-auto handguns I've shot, these two fit me best. If I were to purchase a used Sig, what sort of things should I make sure to check? What's a good 'used' price range?

Probably well under $700 depending on condition and how many prebans it has with it. If it doesn't have prebans skip it and find a package that does. (One of the upshot of the Sig is you can get normal capacity prebans for the gun) Check the trigger and make sure the SA break is clean and the DA trigger is smooth. All used sigs will have some barrel wear and some frame rail wear, nothing to be really alarmed about. Stay away from guns with gimmicky crap like like lasermax, guns with sprinco recoil buffers, etc. (It's stuff that just jams up the gun and you'll end up throwing away or selling later. )

Two totally different guns that you are trying to decide on. I have reservations about both of them. The M&P 9 has had issues with the extractor in the past. That issue is probably fixed by now so a new M&P 9 would be pretty sweet. The SIG P226 is a legend. I would buy an old German one in a heartbeat. But the new SIGs with the stainless steel slides that are made in the US? I wouldn't own one on a bet!! Parts breakage, premature rail wear, reliability thanks!!
I hope you're joking. Either learn to shoot the gun as designed, or buy a different gun.

Personally, I hate DA/SA triggers and like M&Ps (I own 3). To the OP, when you shot the SIG, did you shoot much double action? The single action trigger feels great, but the DA sucks. This leads to most people only shooting SA at the range, and then when they work from the holster, they struggle mightily.

I'm not kidding. Thats what some very competitive shooters did in the early days of IDPA. (1998 - 2001) As the drew the gun and their hands met at their chest (like any other draw) they'd cock it with their weak hand before they thrust the gun forward. It was very fast and didn't seem to slow down the presentation of the firearm in any way.

I didn't do it. I shot a glock 26 at the time. (I definitely fell into the "shoot what you carry" camp at that time.)
Another thought. I consider the M&P, Glock, and XDm to be nearly interchangeable. They're all high capacity, reliable, combat accurate, and reasonably priced. I think anyone in the market for a full sized polymer double stack gun should try all three. They are very different and there is no knowing which one you will like best.
i bought a used 226 police turn in, faded on the outside

but dam bright and shiny on the inside. I put a fiber

optic sight on the front and an adjustable one on the

rear, a set of hogue grips and your good to go.

it is of course da/sa but i don't consider it a problem

my advice is to shoot both and then decide.

this forum is good for advice up to a point and then

it becomes blue vs red, and here we go.
A sig 226 is a BMW a M&P is a ford tarus. You get what you pay for. I am a huge sig fan. Buy what ever you can shoot well. Good luck with your new gun.
Another thought. I consider the M&P, Glock, and XDm to be nearly interchangeable. They're all high capacity, reliable, combat accurate, and reasonably priced. I think anyone in the market for a full sized polymer double stack gun should try all three. They are very different and there is no knowing which one you will like best.

I agree that you should try them all. Unfortunately for those of us in the Peoples Republic of Massachusetts only the Glock is hi-cap. [sad2]
I have both - and both are different pistols.

Personally, I find it valuable to have and train on different platforms. I have found that I got sloppy with the M&P trigger, and then started shooting the Sig more, and corrected my issue. The converse has also been true. Shooting a DA/SA gun requires more training time to be spent learning both pulls. I like the DA trigger of the 226, it feels consistent with a smooth break.

Another factor- the new Sig's come with night sights, the M&Ps do not. I love my Sig sights over my M&P sights, more $$$ if you want to install them on the M&P.

Quality - my Sig has 15k rounds through it - it chews up the cheapest of cheap ammo. My M&P had a cracked slide rail after 5k rounds and required me to send it back to S&W. It's a little more finicky.

Service - I had to send both the 226 and M&P back to their respective manufactures. M&P had a major defect, Sig required service due to normal use.

S&W: I filed out an online form, got a fedex label in the mail, got the gun back in 10 days.

Sig: External pin connecting to the firing block had shaken loose and required work (I had far exceeded the 10k suggested trigger pulls between service). Not covered by warranty, cost me $35 dollars to send to UPS, and $110 for the service.

With that being said - my M&P is currently my favorite. It sits closer to the hip and is more comfortable to draw and shoot.

I wouldn't sweat the decision. You'll probably buy another.
Having owned three Sigs, I'll disagree with that. The stock trigger, both DA and SA, is ok. Nothing better than that.
You evidently haven't tried the new SRT trigger.

I tried a 229 E2 recently and was blown away both by the fit of the new slimmer grips and by the SRT trigger.

I may have to get one.
You evidently haven't tried the new SRT trigger.

I tried a 229 E2 recently and was blown away both by the fit of the new slimmer grips and by the SRT trigger.
No, I haven't. Not easily available in MA due to our crappy laws.
Two totally different guns that you are trying to decide on. I have reservations about both of them. The M&P 9 has had issues with the extractor in the past. That issue is probably fixed by now so a new M&P 9 would be pretty sweet. The SIG P226 is a legend. I would buy an old German one in a heartbeat. But the new SIGs with the stainless steel slides that are made in the US? I wouldn't own one on a bet!! Parts breakage, premature rail wear, reliability thanks!!

If you have an older M&P -
Apex Tactical makes upgraded drop in extractors
No, I haven't. Not easily available in MA due to our crappy laws.

You can buy a MA Compliant Pistol then take it to the Pro-Shop in Exeter and have the E2 grips installed. You may even be able to buy it there and transfer it in. You just need the slide with the Ma**h*** in it.
Not sure what state your in but if your in Msss then the ability to get Hi Cap mags is only going to be with the Sig. I have a P228, P225 and P239 and like them. Could never get use to the M&P. Your mileage may vary.
You evidently haven't tried the new SRT trigger.

I tried a 229 E2 recently and was blown away both by the fit of the new slimmer grips and by the SRT trigger.

I may have to get one.

What is a short reset trigger and how is it different than what I would find in a 'stock' new or used P226?

Sigs with the newer style spring, seat, hammer strut and decocking lever - all you need are the grips. Otherwise you're changing some or all of those parts with a Sig Sauer E2 Grip Kit P226.

Is this to fix the trigger or make the grip better for folks with smaller hands? The reason I considered the P226 and M&P was that the Sig fit my hand and the M&P allows for a larger backstrap to be inserted.
The SRT is a thinner trigger with a short reset. Don't fly sig without one. I would also agree with others here an would go with Glock over an M&P.

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