Since there are no dealer site sponsors here (Yet)


NES Member
Feb 26, 2005
Last seen eating the bark off a tree.
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Maybe this question can be answered.I am looking into purchasing a ACOG TA31,so naturally I am trying to find the lowest price.So far the lowest I have found was from Product Wizard for $863.00. Has anyone here bought anything from this site ? The lowest dealer price I have found so far is $900.00 from a arfcom sponsor.

Anyone know a cheaper place for optics ? Or even a shop in "tax free New Hampshire" that carries ACOG's at a competitive price ?

I originally asked this question at arfcom,but nobody answered.My paranoid delusional self thinks it's because members didn't want to promote another site that sells optics $40.00 cheaper than a site sponsor.
you know, anything (just about) that Ive bought new Ive got from G & R Tactical, his price is usually right there, And the customer service was great. But check with Four Seasons or Collectors in Stoneham, or even Law Enforcement Equipment in Waltham (sorry Len). Those are just the places that Ive seen Trijicon Products on the shelf.

I've never purchased from there before. I would imagine the worst case scenario would be you have a receipt and the MFGR's warranty should anything go wrong with the product.

What are you planning on putting that optic on?

derek said:

I've never purchased from there before. I would imagine the worst case scenario would be you have a receipt and the MFGR's warranty should anything go wrong with the product.

What are you planning on putting that optic on?


My Bushy MA awb safe M4A3forgery.Once i get a pre-ban lower(or rifle) it will go on that rifle.The $900 quote was from G&R,so far that is the best (besides product wizard) . It's a $40 dollar diff..but hey,40 bucks is 40 bucks.
CM, Better watch out. Didn't Sgt D tell you that you have to play nice with ALL the Mods? [twisted]
in my defense, I havent been there since you told me about your issue, and I do live kinda close.....

FWIW I lusted after the mighty ACOG and picked up a TAO1nsn this winter, Its nice and all, but kind of overrated.
centermass181 said:
in my defense, I havent been there since you told me about your issue, and I do live kinda close.....

FWIW I lusted after the mighty ACOG and picked up a TAO1nsn this winter, Its nice and all, but kind of overrated.

You're learning!! Kissing up has it's advantages. :P

OK, I'll start another post about LE Supply and put my dealings with them there. That post will properly be in the Equipment and Ranges Forum.
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