Situation: Burglar/Prowler

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First i would wake up the piece of shit brother in law whos staying with me now (because hes wife now has come to the conclusion hes a piece of shit and threw him out) and send him downstairs to investigate carrying a nerf missle launcher. The whole time i will be hoping and praying that the intruder is HEAVILY armed to the teeth and the two will get in a firefight of epic scale.
When said firefight is done i will then go downstairs and congradulate the intruder , offer him a drink and a fine cigar and allow him to take whatever he desires (i have insurance afterall). Than after im sure hes made good his escape i will proceed to call the police and tell them i think something terrible has happened and if they are done eating donuts and drinking coffe could they come by the house.

Yes dear its gonna be a great Christmas.

this was great, an unexpected rant of honesty i can empathize with.
These types of threads should be banned...forever.

Eventually when I get around to it, I'm going to design a madlib of sorts around this concept (the "what would you do" threads) It'll just have a list of places for people to insert nouns and verbs; and then at the end of the post there will be this long list of decisions you can make, which will be an amalgamation of pretty much every "what would you do" thread ever posted on a gun board on the internet. [grin]

Eventually when I get around to it, I'm going to design a madlib of sorts around this concept (the "what would you do" threads) It'll just have a list of places for people to insert nouns and verbs; and then at the end of the post there will be this long list of decisions you can make, which will be an amalgamation of pretty much every "what would you do" thread ever posted on a gun board on the internet. [grin]


Great Idea [smile] +1
Eventually when I get around to it, I'm going to design a madlib of sorts around this concept (the "what would you do" threads) It'll just have a list of places for people to insert nouns and verbs; and then at the end of the post there will be this long list of decisions you can make, which will be an amalgamation of pretty much every "what would you do" thread ever posted on a gun board on the internet. [grin]


Better yet... one of those "make your own adventure" type books, except in web form.
My automated motion tracking turrets will take care of the threat. I rest easy.

I thought I was the only one who had those. Damn, now I need to install thermal threat identification and tracking on mine just to one up you.
I thought I was the only one who had those. Damn, now I need to install thermal threat identification and tracking on mine just to one up you.

Nice aren't they?

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