
Large bottle of hydrogen peroxide & 1/4 cup of baking soda with a table spoon of dawn/ dish soAp. Mixed everything in a bucket by hand & sponge bathed him w/ a grout sponge I had left over. After a while he just smelled like wet dog. I can still smell it on him if I stick my face right up to him. The house I had to air out & wash several times with vinegar & burn incense.

My German Shepherd (died 8 years ago) was unbelievably intelligent..... exception: skunks. He never seemed to smarten up about skunks.

I kept a supply of hydrogen peroxide and baking.

I miss him, but I don't miss having to clean him after he messed with a skunk.

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As others have said, an airgun considered fine for squirrels won't do the job on a skunk or groundhog unless you get a really lucky shot. Even a headshot may just stun them. Typical recommendation is for 30 ftlbs minimum in an airgun to dispatch skunks or groundhogs, and that is for headshots (groundhogs are basically made of muscle). That's generally going to be a precharged pneumatic type in .22, though a few .25 springers (and gas piston "springers") get up there. For reference, a CCI 22CB long round is about 32 ftlbs.
You can also keep the skunks away. They hate the smell of lavender and banana. Some peels near the pile or shred up some lavender scented soap and sprinkle it around and you should never see them again.
But it's more fun to lure them in and pop them in the head a few times.
Unless I have a skunk actually living under my house/porch/deck, I don't have a problem with them. But it is illegal to relocate wild animals, so in those cases, there aren't many choices, time to grab a 22 and Velociter.

Any recommendations to keep the bugger from spraying when I shoot again? Got lucky the first time, but my house is finally smelling better and the dog is too!
About 50/50 to spray with a head shot. Usual recommendation is a faster+heavier pellet and go for a heart/lung shot.

Hey, maybe you should try deer hunting with that pellet gun. Why would you even think that an air gun would be lethal, much less humane, used on a 20 pound animal??????[/url]
There are plenty of air guns that are lethal, and humane, on animals a lot bigger than 20 pounds. Maybe, not the ones they sell at WalMart.
Unless I have a skunk actually living under my house/porch/deck, I don't have a problem with them. But it is illegal to relocate wild animals, so in those cases, there aren't many choices, time to grab a 22 and Velociter.

About 50/50 to spray with a head shot. Usual recommendation is a faster+heavier pellet and go for a heart/lung shot.

There are plenty of air guns that are lethal, and humane, on animals a lot bigger than 20 pounds. Maybe, not the ones they sell at WalMart.

OP should try some #7 1/2 shot next time deer hunting...will have the same effect on a deer that his pellet gun had on the skunk. Should get a kick outta having linger around and die a slow death.
Really? That's not even a valid comparison.

Explain how all those deer have been jacklighted with just a .22lr over the years. Or how a 70 lb deer can still run away after getting shot with a .300 or 7mm magnum.

Power is important, but shot placement is much more important. Even a .22 cb cap is not an option in some locations, whereas a pellet gun would be.

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In my opinion, anyone who uses a cheap BB gun on an animal other than a small rodent is an *******.

If the OP had a more powerful than normal BB gun then I will retract that statement. The only people comfortable with shooting an animal 3 or 4 times and letting it just go off and die are called sociopaths.

Nuisance animals deserve a clean, quick, uncruel death.
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If the OP had a more powerful than normal BB gun then I will retract that statement.
I agree 100%. While shot placement is important, you need to also consider appropriate minimum caliber and energy.

OP should try some #7 1/2 shot next time deer hunting...will have the same effect on a deer that his pellet gun had on the skunk.
Inverting that, I wouldn't argue against solving a skunk problem using a 10-gauge with #7 1/2 shot, as long as I'm not the one on cleanup duty.
Really? That's not even a valid comparison.

Explain how all those deer have been jacklighted with just a .22lr over the years. Or how a 70 lb deer can still run away after getting shot with a .300 or 7mm magnum.

Power is important, but shot placement is much more important. Even a .22 cb cap is not an option in some locations, whereas a pellet gun would be.

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The results he stated, of his marksmanship and choice of gun....speak for themselves. As for even killing skunks, I have plenty around, have never had the urge nor desire to kill them. I don't throw food out in the yard, keep lids on my trash cans and the only "damage" they do is to my lawn when they dig up grubs or yellow jacket nests. They are like little bears, minding their own business and just pluggin along in their own world.
haven't read the whole thread, but the first thing I'd do is get the "bait pile" out of my yard. Skunks only go where you make it nice for them. Free meals = nice.

Then, shoot it while it's in the neighbor's yard. .22 break-barrel air gun.
Use something with more power to it than the air rifle... A 50 BMG comes to mind, but the neighborhood might not like that. [rofl2]

Large bottle of hydrogen peroxide & 1/4 cup of baking soda with a table spoon of dawn/ dish soAp. Mixed everything in a bucket by hand & sponge bathed him w/ a grout sponge I had left over. After a while he just smelled like wet dog. I can still smell it on him if I stick my face right up to him. The house I had to air out & wash several times with vinegar & burn incense.

Curious George recommends to bath in tomato juice... Not sure if that works of course. :)

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Curious George recommends to bath in tomato juice... Not sure if that works of course. :)

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Curious George is wrong.
Yep, hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and Dawn is what I was told. And Dawn works much better than any other brand, it cuts the oils in the spray better so it can be rinsed away.

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Spend more time on the range. If you are unable to kill anything in one shot you need more training. Leave animals alone, take down bird feeder and stop leaving food for them on the wood pile. They will go somewhere else.

Im sorry I offended your holier than thou sensibilities. I would love to leave them alone and take down my birdfeeder and stop putting food out, and quite frankly I should. You are right, and I would except that my kids like watching the birds that come to the feeder, my wife likes watching the foxes that come to the bait pile, and I like having a dog. So I think I will keep feeding the birds, I will keep adding to my compost pile behind my garden, and I will continue to shoot skunks that venture out of the woods and onto my lawn. My day begins at 330am and quite frankly I don't like being surprised by them when Im getting ready for work. And if it offends you and your expert marksmanship to take a head shot and put two insurance shots in the chest quartering down and away just to ensure a dead animal in less than a minute travelling less than 10 ft, then maybe you shouldn't be in the hunting section. One shot one kill is the rule, but ask any bowhunter how many animals they have shot that dropped dead instantly. Get over yourself.
Large bottle of hydrogen peroxide & 1/4 cup of baking soda with a table spoon of dawn/ dish soAp. Mixed everything in a bucket by hand & sponge bathed him w/ a grout sponge I had left over. After a while he just smelled like wet dog. I can still smell it on him if I stick my face right up to him. The house I had to air out & wash several times with vinegar & burn incense.

This recipe is the goods! We scrubbed him twice with this solution and then a third time for insurance and he is good to go. He smells great but the house still has the smell that drifted in. He never made it past the porch when it happed.
As others have said, an airgun considered fine for squirrels won't do the job on a skunk or groundhog unless you get a really lucky shot. Even a headshot may just stun them. Typical recommendation is for 30 ftlbs minimum in an airgun to dispatch skunks or groundhogs, and that is for headshots (groundhogs are basically made of muscle). That's generally going to be a precharged pneumatic type in .22, though a few .25 springers (and gas piston "springers") get up there. For reference, a CCI 22CB long round is about 32 ftlbs.

Now that he got sprayed I have .17hmr ready to go. I killed the first one, but there are a lot around several people in the neighborhood have had issues already and I don't think anyone will complain if I dispatch one occasionally.
In my opinion, anyone who uses a cheap BB gun on an animal other than a small rodent is an *******.

If the OP had a more powerful than normal BB gun then I will retract that statement. The only people comfortable with shooting an animal 3 or 4 times and letting it just go off and die are called sociopaths.

Nuisance animals deserve a clean, quick, uncruel death.

My pellet gun claims 1200ft/sec with pba hunting pellet, and passes thru 1/2" plywood at 30yds. A properly placed shot will humanely dispatch a skunk at that range. However, I am going to be using a .17hmr scoped from here out to be absolutely sure. I am an ethical hunter and apply that to varmit disposal in my yard as well. If my dog hadn't been sprayed 3 times since I moved in 01/13, then I probably wouldn't care.
This recipe is the goods! We scrubbed him twice with this solution and then a third time for insurance and he is good to go. He smells great but the house still has the smell that drifted in. He never made it past the porch when it happed.

Yeah I won't be forgetting that recipe any time soon. This was his first time getting sprayed - he's 3. He chases everything that moves.

Wish I knew about it before he got in the house & we tried washing him down with white vinegar, which did very little, but make him smell less like burn rubber.

Now when we go outside early morning or late night, I'll be sure to make sure to make plenty of noise. Last spring we had a near encounter, but I saw the skunk 30-40' away before he did & just called him to me. [rolleyes]
Anyone who has a dog should keep a couple of bottles of saline solution on hand. It works great if he gets sprayed in the eyes to wash the oil out.

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I keep the pile and the bird feeders up in the edge of the woods behind a fence to keep things out of the yard, but livestock fence keeps the dog in and bigger things out. I usually shine the light before we go out, but critters get up in the tree line or behind the rock wall. We get fox, coyote, coons, skunks, groundhogs, and even deer. We have a natural l shaped funnel about 20yds wide of woods behind my yard and the condo complex and the road. All manner of critters travel it to get to the hardwood grove across the road.
Get a bow! You're close to neighbors and a police station. Playing with firearms is not an option. Even a cheap compound bow at low poundage with a mechanical broadhead will cut a skunk in half - and do so virtually silently.
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Well? Broadheads or smallgame blunt tips?

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[smile] forget that. Use a mechanical - like the rage hypodermic. Bye Bye skunky. But honestly - even a field point would be sufficient for a skunk. Think about the size of that hole relative to its body size. It will be a quick kill.
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I'm old school and haven't tried any of the mechanicals. Not sure I'd want to recover the arrow after a passthrough on a skunk. Although I guess that would be better than pinning it to the stump behind it!

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surprisingly arrows are more expensive than bullets in most calibers, and I am not as good yet with a bow as I would like to be, especially in the dark. But that would be the ideal way to dispatch. Hopefully by the end of the summer I will be so I can use the bow for fall turkey hunting and eventually deer hunting.
I have no problem with the OP shooting skunks. Here are my skunk stories: When I was 15 there was a skunk in the garbage can area next to the restaurant I worked at. The owner asked me to shoot it. At the end of the night, my mother brought my .22/410 from home and I popped it with. the .410. The police pulled up and wanted to know what was going on. I told them that I shot a skunk. They were cool and drove off. (Things were different in the late 60s...) In the 80s, my uncle who lived next door trapped a skunk in a box trap in his garden. He called me to bring a gun. I came over with my 28 ga over under. I told him to knock the box over (when I called "pull" [laugh] ) but he was afraid I would miss or he would get sprayed and he wouldn't do it. More recently, while feeding at a feral cat colony, I got sprayed when I surprised one. I was pissed at myself because I should have seen him and avoided the problem. To me, it was a heavy organic solvent smell not the typical smell. My wife was in the car and not too pleased. I went to Cumbies and bought a scratch ticket thinking it was my lucky night. The clerk was not amused and I didn't win. There was a mother skunk at the apartment complex where I fed the cats that had four cute babies. I would talk to them as I came up. About a year later there is a small group of people looking worried as I came to feed the cats. A skunk is walking around with a Yoplait yogurt cup stuck on his head. I figured it was one of the grown babies so I walked up to it while quietly talking to it and removed the cup. It was happy and everyone was amazed that I didn't get sprayed. Driving to work one morning another skunk is in the road with a yogurt cup on it's head. I manage to get traffic stopped and get out and removed the cup. First driver on the other side of the road was not too pleased for the momentary delay. Skunk almost got hit by the unhappy driver but everything worked out. I guess the score is pretty much even with me and skunks... I suppose they are even kind of cute. [wink] Of course if one bit (not sprayed) anyone or anything near and dear to me, I'm gonna grab a shotty. [shocked]
White Feather
I haven't seen anyone here saying that they enjoy killing them for fun. Or anyone that is purposely baiting them for that reason.

Like it or not, people are the highest life forms on earth (haha, I guess) and the reality is that if we cannot coexist for some reason we do what we must.

Are you gonna just settle for having mice or squirrels living in your attic?

I actually like seeing all types of wildlife in my yard. Fortunately my dog seems to realize skunks and turkeys are not to be f-ed with.

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