Small Group


NES Member
Nov 29, 2008
Live Free or Die
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So I am working setting up a small group for SHTF and wondering how to go about things. looking for guidance on common preps, like comms, weapons, etc... is it important to agree on weapons ie AR vs AK, calibers etc... how do you promote cohesion when we are all 45-60 minutes away and only meet up once a month?
So I am working setting up a small group for SHTF and wondering how to go about things. looking for guidance on common preps, like comms, weapons, etc... is it important to agree on weapons ie AR vs AK, calibers etc... how do you promote cohesion when we are all 45-60 minutes away and only meet up once a month?
There's a reason the military picks one main caliber and makes everyone use it, even if it's not the 'best' platform.

Cops, generally do the same.

Cohesion, should almost be a natural deal within your group. I used to work with guys I didn't even have to talk to. Roll up on a situation, we looked at each other, he went one way, I went the other, or he lead and I covered (or vice versa). Simply put, be able to get rid of the a-hole that stirs up stuff in the group.

Preps depend on several factors. Are you talking bad snowstorm, or CME hit? Bad snowstorm, have back channel coms to figure out who has power, water, infrastructure still up. It shouldn't be a big deal to have your group over at your house to 'recharge' (both them and their 'stuff) until things clear up. After Ida, my wife's whole family met at the FIL's house, I had my generator, he had the propane grill, we didn't even really notice anything for a couple of days and the fuel got scarce. Then we caravanned over to Alabama when it was time to GTFO of Dodge.

CME, well, there's multiple threads on that. You gonna need a LOT of stuff, preferably a welder, a medic, a farmer, all kinds of stuff.
There's a reason the military picks one main caliber and makes everyone use it, even if it's not the 'best' platform.

Cops, generally do the same.

Cohesion, should almost be a natural deal within your group. I used to work with guys I didn't even have to talk to. Roll up on a situation, we looked at each other, he went one way, I went the other, or he lead and I covered (or vice versa). Simply put, be able to get rid of the a-hole that stirs up stuff in the group.

Preps depend on several factors. Are you talking bad snowstorm, or CME hit? Bad snowstorm, have back channel coms to figure out who has power, water, infrastructure still up. It shouldn't be a big deal to have your group over at your house to 'recharge' (both them and their 'stuff) until things clear up. After Ida, my wife's whole family met at the FIL's house, I had my generator, he had the propane grill, we didn't even really notice anything for a couple of days and the fuel got scarce. Then we caravanned over to Alabama when it was time to GTFO of Dodge.

CME, well, there's multiple threads on that. You gonna need a LOT of stuff, preferably a welder, a medic, a farmer, all kinds of stuff.
we got a welder a medic and a farmer so that makes me feel a bit better.
Know the previous history of anyone you consider for membership. Your biggest problem will be preventing police/FBI infiltration. The SUCK has long tentacles.

If it's more than three or four people that you have known and trusted for the past ten years and you know they're not compromised by financial, marital, job issues, addiction issues, medical issues, you're going to have problems.

The mafia had their ways and means to deal with snitches. 😉

If you do manage to assemble a real trustworthy group, you need to cross train everyone on everything and there needs to be ONE person who's word is final. Insubordination in such a group is intolerable and will lead to its demise in very short order.

Good today's phony, shallow, superficial society, you're in for a real challenge.
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So I am working setting up a small group for SHTF and wondering how to go about things. looking for guidance on common preps, like comms, weapons, etc... is it important to agree on weapons ie AR vs AK, calibers etc... how do you promote cohesion when we are all 45-60 minutes away and only meet up once a month?
I have often thought about what you are considering.
The first observation is that if some of the group is 60 minutes away, you better plan on how to get by with out them. 60 minutes could become 600 minutes or just plain never if the SHTF. If they can make it, great, but if they can not, whatchagonnado?
If you meet up once a month, a big chunk of that time should be spent on cross training as many people as possible on critical roles.

It makes sense to agree on common platform and calibers, and smart to consider what is in common use by "others", but no one is going to sell their AK for this "what if". Just make sure they know when 7.62 is scarce, they brought a club.
It does make sense to appoint an "armorer" that is responsible for gathering and maintaining an inventory of spare parts, which is sure easier if everyone uses the same platform. He should also be able to make ammo from scratch. Bullets can be cast, but you will not be making primers.

If you are talking about weapons platforms, comms and farming, you are really thinking more EOTWAWKI than SHTF. If so, one of the biggest challenges can be personalities. People that are willing to make plans like this all think of themselves as the leader or capable of leading. Too many Chiefs and not enough Braves can create conflict. Throw in a couple of opinionated wives and the whole thing comes apart.
we got a welder a medic and a farmer so that makes me feel a bit better.
Strong start. If the welder can also mechanic, fills 2 slots.

My main concern is the FSA showing up on my cul-de-sac. Will my neighbor turn off her ring camera and let me do what I need to do, or do I have to try and stay clean.
You have to decide where the rally point will be and location that will be used when the SHTF. That is a very hard discussion and it’s also the place where supplies stored.
Multiple rally points, maybe one big 'storage' point the group can move to in force.

Again, almost any event will have 2-3 days of normalcy bias. Bodies didn't start appearing in the street during Katrina for a week or so. Ida spiraled pretty quickly as it was a 'worse' storm overall, just no water. Anyone who went through Katrina will tell you the body count has to be much higher than the official. Whole parts of the city are still almost empty.
So I am working setting up a small group for SHTF and wondering how to go about things. looking for guidance on common preps, like comms, weapons, etc... is it important to agree on weapons ie AR vs AK, calibers etc... how do you promote cohesion when we are all 45-60 minutes away and only meet up once a month?
If you can't toss a magazine to the person next to you that fits in their gun, your plan failed from the word go.

Establish one battle rifle, one caliber, one magazine type so everything is interchangeable.

Same thing with comms, same thing with food preps, same thing with uniforms, same thing with vehicle fuels, same thing with everything.
That's what "UNIFORM" means. (Single Form) Same gear, same rifles, same pistols, same caliber ammo, same radios, same knowledge and skills, same fuel in everyone's fuel tank.
Make sure every person in your group knows how to STFU about this, not say a word to anyone, including any family that would come along (because you know not all of them will STFU). They also should not have any extended family or friends that will come looking for help, or they have the definitive willpower to sacrifice them (by not providing an inkling of assistance). In general, people do not know how to STFU and that will be the downfall of a group like this if the shit actually does hit the fan.
Make sure every person in your group knows how to STFU about this, not say a word to anyone, including any family that would come along (because you know not all of them will STFU).
You mean, like starting a thread on NES?

I think step one is defining what "SHTF" means to the OP. If it is full blown society collapse, Hollywood movie stuff where everything is chaos overnight, forget about your friends 45min away, you won't reach them.

If it is just LARPing, most likely, go read the multiple LARP threads on NES.
I can see by a couple of the responses here that your plan is already starting to be infiltrated......and none of those responses are mine.
You mean, like starting a thread on NES?

I think step one is defining what "SHTF" means to the OP. If it is full blown society collapse, Hollywood movie stuff where everything is chaos overnight, forget about your friends 45min away, you won't reach them.

If it is just LARPing, most likely, go read the multiple LARP threads on NES.

Yup, my exact thoughts. "Hey, I want to create this secret group for SHTF, I will ask NES how to do it".

I want to build a super secret underground house at 300 Smith Street in Colebrook, NH, how do I go about doing it?
If you have not read this book, I'd recommend it. It covers some of this and is a good read. Not an instruction manual, but decent fiction on topic.

Patriots: A Novel of Survival in the Coming Collapse - by James Rawles
Yup, that was going to be my next post. It pretty much was an instruction manual.....I've got one copy that's full of highlights.

The thing that held that group together was everyone had "skin in the game" as they met the requirements of the group.
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