Small Group

You mean, like starting a thread on NES?

I think step one is defining what "SHTF" means to the OP. If it is full blown society collapse, Hollywood movie stuff where everything is chaos overnight, forget about your friends 45min away, you won't reach them.

If it is just LARPing, most likely, go read the multiple LARP threads on
I'm not planning a super secret group, I'm putting a plan in place. It isn't some militia group. I just know that you can't keep what you can't protect.
If you are talking about weapons platforms, comms and farming, you are really thinking more EOTWAWKI than SHTF. If so, one of the biggest challenges can be personalities. People that are willing to make plans like this all think of themselves as the leader or capable of leading. Too many Chiefs and not enough Braves can create conflict. Throw in a couple of opinionated wives and the whole thing comes apart.
I'm guessing that's why The Walking Dead went on for so long (never seen it)
The social/personality issues will never go away, even after a near-extinction event
Yup, my exact thoughts. "Hey, I want to create this secret group for SHTF, I will ask NES how to do it".

I want to build a super secret underground house at 300 Smith Street in Colebrook, NH, how do I go about doing it?
Now I need to get a new location.
Thanks the frig a lot……..
When the lights and Internet go down your friends from an hour away joining you is a very tall order, chances are it's not happening.

You and your neighbors helping each other out will be the best immediate chance for getting through the first phase.

Most people from an hour away will be on the hunt to rape your family while you are forced to watch, then you get smoked and they steal your shit.
Most people from an hour away will be on the hunt to rape your family while you are forced to watch, then you get smoked and they steal your shit.
With some time to prepare, and a few dedicated riflemen with intersecting fields of fire, a well fortified position is very defensible.
Improvised explosive devices, primitive deterrents and home field advantage can make a huge difference. The longer I have to prepare the more defensible my position.

I like my chances. The key is to not let them get close enough to burn you out, or make your position hard to burn.
we are all 45-60 minutes away and only meet up once a month?

Dude...When I lived in Mass, we had a "group", when the family moved to Colorado, there's was a smaller group (better skills, but lack of trust),

Then we moved to CT: I meshed well with a couple guys from the sportsman's club, a hunting buddy, a friend from Mass (an hour away). Some of those guys pulled in some other guys with skills that rounded put the group ... A doctor, a dentist, mechanic and a guy that would forge metal and build shit for people with specialized requests.

Now we're in Utah, and I don't think I've had 3 meaningful conversations with people in 18 months. While there's likely plenty of like minded people here, I haven't met anyone. Looks like if we don't get out of here (looking now for other options ) it'll be my wife and I against the world. And she freely admits that she'll be no use If SHTF.

MY plan has changed to kill my neighbors and take their shit... kidding of course
With some time to prepare, and a few dedicated riflemen with intersecting fields of fire, a well fortified position is very defensible.
Improvised explosive devices, primitive deterrents and home field advantage can make a huge difference. The longer I have to prepare the more defensible my position.

I like my chances. The key is to not let them get close enough to burn you out, or make your position hard to burn.
Terror is the best and most reliable defense. Vlad Tepes had it right. Impale the enemy army on pikes and keep it visible at the approaches to town.
With some time to prepare, and a few dedicated riflemen with intersecting fields of fire, a well fortified position is very defensible.
Improvised explosive devices, primitive deterrents and home field advantage can make a huge difference. The longer I have to prepare the more defensible my position.

I like my chances. The key is to not let them get close enough to burn you out, or make your position hard to burn.
Yes but the OP is living in fantasy land thinking his friends and him that are 40 minutes away are going to connect

Cool story though
You and your neighbors helping each other out will be the best immediate chance for getting through the first phase.

I’ve mentioned this in other threads but in order for my neighbors and my family to get through the first phase I’d have to arm them. That might be great at first but I’d always worry one of them would shoot me in the back to get what I have.
I’ve mentioned this in other threads but in order for my neighbors and my family to get through the first phase I’d have to arm them. That might be great at first but I’d always worry one of them would shoot me in the back to get what I have.
Honestly anyone outside of family or really close friends that isn't armed at this point is probably not worth giving a rifle to anyways.
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