Sold my first gun today

Holy Mary Mother of God! I need a drink already.

Derek, you know as well as I do that an individual bent on homicidal rage can use almost any object at hand as an affective murderous instrument. I could have exacted the same outcome in that picture with a sharp pointy stick. That doesn't mean I'm going to start using sharp pointy sticks as my personal / home defense tool.

The information I posted (for a second time) is the best most reliable shotgun ammo for use in personal defense. Period. End of story.
I have never ever contested that larger shot than bird shot was the most reliable... Libtard, stop putting words in to my mouth.

What I am saying is if you break in to my house and I have my 12 guage loaded with 3" 6 shot, you're not going to harm me...

That doesn't mean I'm going to start using sharp pointy sticks as my personal / home defense tool.

Does this mean I should take down all the punji spikes in my livingroom?

Not only does it work well as an area denial tool for intruders, but My inlaws never stay more than a few hours [smile]


-Weer'd Beard
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