Southnarc at his best


You are not paying attention. Southnarc WILL BE here in September 2007.
The only thing in question is the exact date. We are negotiating with a club for a specific date.
Southnarc is a great trainer. He does not teach shooting.. he teaches fighting! I am very much looking forward to Jim hosting him here next year
Take a look at this clip --

Michael Debethencourt, a local trainer with a national reputation, hopes to bring him to Massachusetts to teach a course next year.

I watched this before YouTube made it restricted. Southnarc himself probably was behind it , he does not allow his face to be publicized.

Watching the video inspired me to join a FIlipino knife fighting school. I am into my 3rd week and enjoying it hugely. So thank You Cross-X.

JimConway ? : Who is "We" ? I want in. I'll be a year into knife fighting by then and wna to play .
Ummmm..... Oh.

SO what you're telling me is that : even though I have been reading here for a year or so , occassionally posting and wondering if I should travel far and expensively for training classes - If I had just looked a little more fully Right Here I would have found a whole bunch of world class trainers offering classes to us.

I'm a dummy. Is it '07 yet? I want to start.
Yup, Jim's been setting up these classes since 2003. I've taken 4 of them in 2004 and 2005. I hope to be back for at least 1 class in 2007.
Nope, I'll send Jellyfish instead . . . I think they will "like" each other!!

[laugh] [rofl] [laugh2]
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