Springfield M1A

If you need another stock (one not as nice) so you don't drill a hole in your nice new one, let me know. I'm sitting on about 50 of the damn things.

M1A stocks? Wood or synthetic? If you've got an extra M1A synthetic stock lying around, I might buy it...
You have a couple of options besides drilling a new hole in your stock. One is using a dremel to slightly widen the weep hole and inletting the interior just a bit to allow for the bracket portion of the Harris adapter. Then, fit your adapter and lay down a layer of JB Weld over the bracket. It works like a charm. Check over at www.m-14forum.com and do a search - there's a ton of info on it. You can also buy a rail from Amega or Fulton, (lower Scout rail). This takes the place of your front sling mount and offers a short picatinny rail to which you can mount your Harris via rail stud....I have the weep hole mount on both my birch and fiberglass stocks and it's solid as a rock....Congrats on your new boomstick!
Well, Guys.... I brought her home!
Thanks to all of you who provided advise and support. You guys ROCK!
I took a couple of quick pictures... These pics are poor quality with bad lighting in my basement. I'll take some better ones tomorrow at the range.

One more quick question... I bought the "loaded" M1A. I was under the impression that I could shoot both 7.62 and commercial .308. The barrel is stamped NM.308. Am I still ok with both types of ammo? My Saiga is stamped with both .308 and 7.62.

Congrats. Congrats. It's a beauty.
Shot loads of both types through my 2 also but stay away from heavy .308 hunting ammo. That comes from an Engineer at SA. They told me 165gr. hunting ammo was the limit. And don't make a habit of shooting that either. With the prices, I'd imagine that's without saying.
Let us know if you want to bring it to Harvard tomorrow or Monday. I'll be there both days at 1:00. Sight in session.
Congrats. I mostly shoot mil surp 7.62 through my SAI NM M1A. So I know for sure that it works without a hitch.

Hey Ryan, Thanks for the offer.
If I can get clear of a few things tomorrow I will swing by around 1:00. I will PM you later (after the game) If I can make it.
To ensure your first shooting experience is a good one, it's a good idea to set up the rifle before you squeeze off the first round.

Make sure your piston is dry, (sometimes they're oiled at the factory for protection)

Make sure your gas plug is tight and the spindle is on

It would help to do a basic tear down, (no need to remove bolt or oprod), but do apply some grease to your oprod spring and guide and metal to metal spots on your bolt and receiver.

Apply a thin layer of grease on the oprod and oprod guide.

A light bead of grease in your oprod channel on the receiver is a good thing

Make sure your bolt face and chamber are clean and dry.

No need to go exotic on the grease yet. I use Militec-1, but you can use automotive.

A good number of negative first experiences/reports are from folks who have not taken the time to set up the rifle and just took it out of the box and let fly, or hosed it down with lube. The chamber, bolt face, gas system and piston are all designed to be run free of lubrication.

Have a blast!
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