Ya know,I was going to go back and edit my post a while ago when referring to SA's as junk.That was definately too strong a word to use in my description,but I let it stand incase someone quoted me before I could edit it out.
I have just witnessed first hand the problems that come out of SA in regards to the M1A's and Garands.Granted,sending them back will get them fixed,but when spending over $1K on a weapon,you shouldn't have to fix it.
In regards to your SOCOM,I have never heard of any problems with those.I have fired a few and I do like them.They are heavy in comparison to a FAL,but they look kinda cool.
Whenever you get to Harvard,LMK and you can check out my FAL.
How about a hug?
Seriously though - I love FAL's and would be honored to burn some .308 through one. The FAL is one of those rifles, (we all have them), that I always wanted, but never bought. I was that way about M1As as well. I walked by so many of them back in the 80's. Not knowing about the "We Are Guns" guy out here in Western MA, I found his website just before he went away and inquired about an STG he had advertised. I never heard back from him, but wish I had gotten my hands on one - I really like the way the 58 looks....