Suppressors - Looking to purchase my first

This, SiCo is 🌈🦄🐩

(Except for the Omega 9 and 45 on PCCs)

My apologies to any straight poodle owners.
I'm just trolling to prove my point about suppressor nerds [wink], I have an O9k knock off just waiting for an MPX to mount and leave on it.
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For the life of me, I can't figure out why once you have gone through the deep background check on your first suppressor, short barreled rifle, full auto, whatever, they don't issue you an ID number that says you can immediately go buy another at any time without the wait. Obviously they'll want their $200 for each one, but I see no need of the wait.
For the life of me, I can't figure out why once you have gone through the deep background check on your first suppressor, short barreled rifle, full auto, whatever, they don't issue you an ID number that says you can immediately go buy another at any time without the wait. Obviously they'll want their $200 for each one, but I see no need of the wait.
The worse part is it’s just a NICS check, with the exception being you don’t time out after three days like a firearm. The wait is engineered into the process and it’s unnecessary like you said, stupid even.
The worse part is it’s just a NICS check, with the exception being you don’t time out after three days like a firearm. The wait is engineered into the process and it’s unnecessary like you said, stupid even.
It's intentionally cumbersome, like every other "service" the government provides to make people not want to follow through with it.
Thank you for this informative post. I never thought about it wearing out someday.

Ive gone through 2 now, so yeah, they're consumables. Luckily quality manufacturers (surefire, kac, deadair, etc) will rebuild them for you, but yeah they eventually get worn out.
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Don't get wrapped around the axle, it is a tube with baffles in it. Suppressor nerds are up there with nightvision nerds when it comes to bickering about whats best or worst based on numbers that don't mean shit to the casual user. I have old cans, new cans, cheap and expensive cans. You know what they all do? Quiet down the guns they are threaded on.

Pick your budget including the kings tax and the cost to replace the muzzle devices on the rifles you want to use it on, and go from there


Also, if you're mostly gonna be shooting it on a 556, get the best can for your 556 and go with it. 30 cal cans are heavier and add more length to the gun and will increase your flash signature on a 556.

I get the 30cal can for everything argument but i think ultimately you should pick whats most effective for what you use most. Lets be real, youll buy more than one can. So decide whats more important, being able to swap, or having the best tool for what you use most.

Like ed said, dont get crazy with suppressor nerd faggot shit, literally ignore the word decibels, buy something rugged, with a solid mounting system, that will f***ing exist in 5 years (looking at you AAC). I use surefire personally, some people cry poor noises when you mention sf but they are hands down the king of the game.
It's intentionally cumbersome, like every other "service" the government provides to make people not want to follow through with it.
They claim that the $200 is a "fee" to put the NFA item into the registry, but they do the AOW for only $5. I remember the SOT being $200/yr. They raised it to $500 during the "price freeze". Jack.
For the life of me, I can't figure out why once you have gone through the deep background check on your first suppressor, short barreled rifle, full auto, whatever, they don't issue you an ID number that says you can immediately go buy another at any time without the wait. Obviously they'll want their $200 for each one, but I see no need of the wait.

I'm on month 10 for my can. 10 f***ing months.
30 cal cans are heavier and add more length to the gun and will increase your flash signature on a 556.
This is what ultimately made my mind up on getting a good 556 can, the first time I shot my 10.5" gun/30cal can with nightvison and saw the massive flash come out of the end of it. I figured if I'm spending big boy money to shoot in the dark, I should probably upgrade my rifle can too. Shit will get you kilt inna streetz.

I will say, that 10.5" 556 gun with the 30cal can does sound ..."better"... to me without ear pro then my 14.5" with my SF 556 can, but that isn't really even worth talking about in this conversation as it completely subjective and my opinion.
This is what ultimately made my mind up on getting a good 556 can, the first time I shot my 10.5" gun/30cal can with nightvison and saw the massive flash come out of the end of it. I figured if I'm spending big boy money to shoot in the dark, I should probably upgrade my rifle can too. Shit will get you kilt inna streetz.

I will say, that 10.5" 556 gun with the 30cal can does sound ..."better"... to me without ear pro then my 14.5" with my SF 556 can, but that isn't really even worth talking about in this conversation as it completely subjective and my opinion.

I mean its a bigger muffler on a smaller engine so i suppose itd be quieter, but we all know, only homos care about decibels
I went Trash Panda and the single trust through the kiosk today. Waiting for the dealer to receive the can and then the real wait starts.
I will bet 100 bucks you will be more then happy with it, regardless of what the suppressor nerds and social media fgts have to say about it.
I mean its a bigger muffler on a smaller engine so i suppose itd be quieter, but we all know, only homos care about decibels
Thats the thing, it's not about "quieter", never was, it sounds "better" if that makes sense. Likely the larger volume of the bigger can, but it sucks shooting it because it weighs twice as much as the SF can, never mind the flash.

But really, wtf do I know? I'm just a dude that shoots in his backyard.
Thats the thing, it's not about "quieter", never was, it sounds "better" if that makes sense. Likely the larger volume of the bigger can, but it sucks shooting it because it weighs twice as much as the SF can, never mind the flash.

But really, wtf do I know? I'm just a dude that shoots in his backyard.

So the tone almost? I hear what you're saying, its the volume of the blast chamber i would guess changing the "note"
You could also run an OSS which has almost zero flow restriction and as such will be quieter to the shooter. I haven't shot an unsuppressed 5.56 rifle in years outside of three gun, suppress everything.

yes am familiar w the oss cans. They make a fine product but are expensive, heavy, and suboptimal for bolt action rifles. They really shine on rifles for which gas tuning is not an option, such as the IWI SAR or X95, scar, aug, etc. While they work well on an AR-15 there arent necessary. Their muzzle devices are also very expensive and mount system has no backup. It’s not hard to get a baffle strike w their cans. That being said they make an overall excellent product. If $$ were not a factor I’d own more oss cans especially the titanium models.
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yes am familiar w the oss cans. They make a fine product but are expensive, heavy, and suboptimal for bolt action rifles. They really shine on rifles for which gas tuning is not an option, such as the IWI SAR or X95, scar, aug, etc. While they work well on an AR-15 there arent necessary. Their muzzle devices are also very expensive and mount system has no backup. It’s not hard to get a baffle strike w their cans. That being said they make an overall excellent product. If $$ were not a factor I’d own more oss cans especially the titanium models.
They do have a Ti version now, it cut some weight but still on the heavy side. Yeah brother, I would never put an OSS on a bolt gun.
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