Suitability is effectively an ex-ante red flag law. It is questionable how these laws are going to survive in the Bruen era, whether ex-post, or, ex-ante in nature. Even the descriptor Good Moral Character is troublesome, as it requires discretion. When states like NY start requesting you provide all your social media accounts, under the pains and penalty of perjury, in order to determine "good moral character", however defined, it's clear that this artificial barrier concocted by anti-2A legislatures to deny law abiding citizens their right to carry in public is on its last legs.
I agree with @Knuckle Dragger in his view they be very hesitant to use any “good character” issue as a disqualification. And where SCOTUS only takes up 80 or so cases a year, it would be up to state courts and the Massachusetts federal district court and 1st circuit to strike it down. Those courts do not see that constitution as Thomas does.
As bad as 2A issues are in Massachusetts, they’re FAR worse in CA, HI, NJ, NY, MD. Hawaii has issued 4 (not a typo) carry licenses in the past 22 years. That’s 4:in a state with a population of 1.4 mil. Massachusetts has 500,000 with a population of 6.8 mil. I think NJ has 40,000, etc. those state were denying law abiding people with fine character en masse and thats what got SCOTUS to take the case.
Just like the US won’t go to war if some country kills or kidnaps one American, SCOTUS is unlikely to take cases where it’s not an issue affecting many people.
I think one or both of the assault weapon bans in CA and MD will be found unconstitutional by the circuit courts and I believe both magazine limit laws CA and NJ will be found unconstitutional at the circuit level. Then there’s a circuit split since the 7th, 1st and 2nd have upheld similar laws. And with how insane NY went with their recent gun control bill and the huge list of sensitive places, those cases are next up for SCOTUS if the circuits don’t rule correctly.