SCOTUS said that would not be constitutional. Text and history, that what any law must comply with. Also, the courts are much different than pre 2017, trump added a lot of judges to the appeals courts.
Heres my concern. SCOTUS said in Heller that you cannot ban firearms in "common use." They said it in direct, non legalese language that zero people would objectively find vague. Yet plenty of states openly ignore this. MA not only ignores it, but acknowledged years ago that AR-15's were still being sold in huge amounts despite the states attempt to ban them, which lead to the Healy BS MA is now stuck under. MA literally admitted AR-15s were in the common use and then adjusted it's ban accordingly. Double strike against Heller/McDonald right there. Zero repercussions.
So, that's my concern. And that's my gripe. SCOTUS tends to say a lot of things. And the same a**h***s who got dragged to SCOTUS seem to have zero problem both ignoring the rulings and definitely flaunting that fact.
Don't get me wrong, I'm happy some people in MA will benefit. Regardless at the end of the day, MA is a statist woke shit hole filled with dangerous insecure people who want to control you. SCOTUS seems to have zero teeth anymore. Hell, look at all the bullshit frat boy Kavanaugh has to put up with. The kid cant even get dinner. People are trying to kill him. People are stalking his house. All/most of this is illegal. Does the federal government act? No.
So, at the end, I suppose not only is this ruling useless, so is the court. The court can't even provide for it's own defense against people who break the law stalking it's judges. Nevermind enforce a ruling that states don't care about.
We live in strange times. Lawless times.
(and since a few people brought up the FL thing...)
I didn't leave MA over gun rights. Sadly I was able to tolerate it. I left MA because I was afraid of it and it's people. Looking back a year, I have zero regrets. I went to MA for the 1st time in over a year just recently and I hadn't been that uncomfortable in memory. Those here who know my story, I left MA at great professional sacrifice. I was that worried about what I saw going on. Gun's weren't even on my radar. And sadly, I was right. Breaks my heart to see what MA is now compared to how I can remember it in my earliest memories in the 80's.
It's not like I wanted to move to FL. The people who know me personally were amazed I did it. I don't love FL. It ended up being nothing more than a life raft that I dove into. It was one hell of a rocky ride when I moved. Like no income for 10 months rocky. Like I have zero pension or retirement rocky. Like my previous job didnt pay into social security rocky. Like I have one hell of a shit tier retirement option(s) at this point rocky.
I only did it because I didn't see any other choice. I just couldnt tolerate the lawlessness anymore. In my case it was woke BS forced into my life and the COVID-19 reaction from the state that greatly limited my ability to freely travel, etc. Was the slap in the face that finally woke me up. I'll never forget when I talked with my lawyer about my work policy stating I couldnt leave MA. I asked is it legal? He said no. He also said never in a million years would a MA court find in my favor. That's a Banana Republic.
So, I wish you guys luck. But given Miller, Heller and McDonald, well, you know how those ones worked out.