We’re increasingly able to route around CC processors and activist banks with bitcoin based payment systems. Strike app is a good example that is easy to use.This ruling, and other posturing up is likely to make an AWB difficult to slam through. And. 1994 election level problems or worse WILL happen.
That said, my fear will likely play out. Expect to see a push not for guns in the form of an AWB, or mags, in the form of a 15rnd limit nation wide, but on ammo. Limiting sales through banks and CC company coordination, requiring a permit to purchase, stamping, making ammo sales require proof of purchase and no cash, no cross state line ammo, etc.
Federal govt can certainly try to hamper online sales but ammo is also covered under the 2nd amendment and therefor the bruen ruling.
The weakest point is probably self defense laws. The anti-gun side will push anarchotyranny and bad self defense laws, in order to make life difficult for good guys while letting their pet bad guys do as they please. Their goal being: “fine, you can all own guns, we’ll just make it so you can never use them”.