So what happen if states just ignore SCOTUS, it goes back up the chain to SCOTUS, SCOTUS knocks them back down but they just ignore the decision, or pass anew law that still violatesw the ruling.
When does this end, and how. If it comes down to enforcement, what Gov body does that, and who's job is it to tell them to go hands-on? The FBI has already expressed their opinio0n that SCOTUS got it wrong (the FBI isn't entitled to an opinion, that's the courts job).
Of all the BS going on it's the refusal to conform to a SCOTUS ruling, which is outright rebellion, that has me the most worried about the future of our country. SCOTUS is supposed to be THE last stop, THE LAW, all other gov bodies are supposed to follow what they say, even the president. No one has to agree, but the gov has to do what they say.