In Upstate NY this week. It’s surprising how many people have a pistol or two not listed on their license. These are honest, law-abiding folks who just don’t want to wait for the final confiscation phase. Since the SAFE act was enacted in 2013, a lot of folks got used to being felons-in-waiting.
There’s a quiet buzz about cash-and-carry shops with 80% lowers in inventory and machine shops that can turn them out. It’s more a “we want what’s banned” thing for most. I mentioned that what you want is a modern sporting rifle and 30rd magazines with ammo not on any government list - it doesn’t matter if there’s a SN on the firearms or not if not traceable to you. Nods all around. The retired LEOs have banned “assault weapons” and “high capacity magazines” by virtue of the LE exemptions but they are on lists. They know where to get them “off the record books” but there’s this strange ethic that making a “ghost gun” is OK but buying an “illegal gun” on the street” is not ethical. It’s the sellers they find the ethical catch, not owning such hardware. Criminalize guns and criminals take up the trade once maintained by honest, law-abiding citizens.
These retired LEOs said their buddies still on the force mostly take a “don’t ask, don’t tell” attitude for those not in the traditional criminal category (those who rob, steal, assault, etc.) - nobody wants to deal with the mess. Compliance to the 2013 SAFE act is estimated at <5%. Nobody knows how to comply with the new laws…
A small sample size in a one Central NY region but probably representative of most LEOs outside NYC, Albany, Rochester, Buffalo, etc.