NH state laws were repealed and CC put in place
Every year here, we read about how NH legislature is getting more and more liberal, and how they almost passed xyz gun control law. A lot of people have worked hard to avoid that, and some luck has also come in. They are still on the edge, but hopefully the supreme court will help keep them on the right side.
You might not like the pace or the path but the ultimate destination is more 2a freedom.
You question all of the pro 2a predictions here and are quick to point out the anti's wins but utterly fail to recognize when our predictions are fulfilled.
Not sure if this was for/toward me, but I agree with the first sentence. My problem is with the timing. You guys speak like it is right around the corner, then when questioned on it, you yell "SLOW DOWN, THIS DOESN'T HAPPEN OVERNIGHT!", as if we were demanding that. Quick to point fingers at those speaking practically.
All of those gains are from state level laws. None of that chart has to do with SCOTUS protecting your rights.
Very true. Nobody is arguing the country as a whole is doing better. But the bad states are not. Right now, New York is being held up from more BS, but not seeing much for results elsewhere. Hope that happens in 2023.
"All that happened in MA in response to Bruen was that restrictions went away! And we became de facto shall-issue! When will the REAL improvements start????"
Like those things are meaningless. They were the two worst infringements in the entire state licensing scheme, and they went away without a fight from TPTB. And it only took a couple weeks after Bruen. And yet, now, they're going to rise up and go Full Hochul?
I just don't see it. Really, truly, honestly, I do not understand that logic. I'd still love an explanation that goes farther than, "I'm pessimistic because the MA legislature has never been pro-2A."
Agree with everything up to "Full Hochul", keeping in mind it improved a lot of things for a lot of gun owners in MA, but certainly did NOT improve things for MOST gun owners in MA.
We can throw in there that our new governor is smarter than New York's. That does NOT mean that our legislature is. That also does not mean they won't plop a new bill on her desk. Do you really think if they put a gun control bill on her desk, that she WOULD NOT SIGN IT? Be honest.
Add Bruen's Text, History and Tradition scrutiny to Caetano's direct assertion of Heller's definition of covered arms (taking it from dicta to finding) and you have a powerful tool against the anti's emotional rhetoric.
This is a bunch of speculation at this point. I wish what you say is true, but it is just too far out to speculate with this opinion/suggestion.