Second Circuit to Hear First Comprehensive Post-Bruen Firearms Statute Challenge
Challenge to NY laws enacted in wake of Bruen to be heard by 2nd Circuit.
Challenge to NY laws enacted in wake of Bruen to be heard by 2nd Circuit.
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Five cases out of New York’s federal district courts will be heard in the Second Circuit on March 20 in front of a panel of three judges. The judges face the difficult task of interpreting the state’s gun laws in the wake of a Supreme Court decision from last year.
What about the $100 licensing fee every 5 years to practice a constitutional right?The joy of watching Healey squirm as she knows it's inevitable that the MA AWB, the Glock prohibition, and "the list" are all going to be thrown out (fingers crossed).![]()
None of those things you mentioned are on the distant horizon, let alone the immediate one. These things we read about here aren't in MA yet either. People just keep saying "It's coming". It's been almost 9 months now.What about the $100 licensing fee every 5 years to practice a constitutional right?
Will they pass the voting card fee next?
No because it will make ballot harvesting more expensiveWhat about the $100 licensing fee every 5 years to practice a constitutional right?
Will they pass the voting card fee next?
"In the aftermath of the Bruen decision, some courts have struck down legislative initiatives passed in recent decades specifically designed to combat domestic violence. (Andrew Willinger and Jake Charles summarized one such recent decision, United States v. Rahimi, here and here.) These federal, state, local and tribal initiatives share one overarching goal: to protect domestic violence victims from harm and fatal injury."
Some consider the intention to diminish domestic violence justification to take any action that might be perceived as useful. We know many gun control advocates will seize onto any cause to increase gun restrictions, whether effective or not in addressing any social ill. Their "victory" for victims of domestic violence in passing ineffective laws is a farce.
"That in over 50% mass shootings the perpetrator targeted an intimate partner or family member?" [Everytown]
" more than two-thirds (68.2%) of mass shootings analyzed, the perpetrator either killed family or intimate partners or the shooter had a history of domestic violence..." {EFSVG}
I can't help but be skeptical when two anti-gun organizations can't come close in their statistics. If we accept the gun control advocates claims that mass shootings were on the rise before Bruen, why didn't these domestic violence laws actually reduce mass shootings? Because they targeted guns, not the interruption and treatment of causes of domestic violence and mass shootings.
Dont forget about the 18th centuryDid they have a features test in the 18th and 18th century?
Granata immediately jumped in on the Boland ruling out of California.Granata v. Healy is the MA roster case. Next court date is April 4th. This is an appeal to the case which was decided pre-Bruen. I have a feeling the CA and MA handgun rosters will both die soon enough.
If it stopped the fraud by mail voting, I'd be down for that.What about the $100 licensing fee every 5 years to practice a constitutional right?
Will they pass the voting card fee next?
Claim Types | Number of Claims | Success Rate |
Age Restriction | 2 | 50% |
Carry Licensing | 3 | 100% |
Ghost Gun | 4 | 50% |
Bail Conditions | 5 | 0% |
Obliterated Serial Number | 5 | 20% |
Private Property Default Switch | 5 | 100% |
Sentence Enhancement | 5 | 0% |
Assault Weapon/LCM | 6 | 33.3% |
National Firearms Act | 8 | 0% |
Unlawful Gun Use | 9 | 0% |
Felony Indictment Prohibition | 11 | 36.4% |
Miscellaneous | 12 | 16.7% |
Sensitive Place | 13 | 53.8% |
Commercial Regulations | 14 | 0% |
Federal Possession Prohibition | 110 | 3.6% |
TOTAL | 212 | 14.6% |
Not chasing sources but those statements are different."That in over 50% mass shootings the perpetrator targeted an intimate partner or family member?" [Everytown]
" more than two-thirds (68.2%) of mass shootings analyzed, the perpetrator either killed family or intimate partners or the shooter had a history of domestic violence..." {EFSVG}
Good catch, thanks. Either way, laws are passed and mass shooting go up? Either the laws are not very effective or mass killing will skyrocket if the laws are rescinded. I'm thinking the former.Not chasing sources but those statements are different.
1st one: Targeted family/intimate
2nd one: 1st one OR history of domestic violence.
i.e., apparently 18% of mass shootings that didn't target family/intimate were done by somebody with a history of domestic violence.
Lawyers dancing on the head of a pin typically fall off.
CNN said:Justice Samuel Alito said that he has a “pretty good idea” who was responsible for the unprecedented disclosure of a draft opinion of a Supreme Court ruling last year, suggesting it was someone who opposed reversing the Roe v. Wade precedent that protected abortion rights nationwide.
“It was a part of an effort to prevent the Dobbs draft … from becoming the decision of the court,” Alito said. “And that’s how it was used for those six weeks by people on the outside – as part of the campaign to try to intimidate the court.”
In the meantime, Palmetto is shipping items to the state while it's in place.The text version: U.S. District Judge Stephen P. McGlynn granted an injunction prohibiting Illinois from enforcing the ban.
Federal judge blocks Illinois assault weapons ban
U.S. District Judge Stephen P. McGlynn granted an injunction prohibiting Illinois from enforcing the ban
Note that the 7th Circuit could reverse this, and given that it denied a similar motion 10 days ago will likely do so quite quickly.
Another chink in the anti's amorWhat does this have to do with NYSRPA vs. Bruen?
Supreme Court 2A Decision Brings An End To "Assault Weapon" And Magazine Ban In Illinois. (not quite as amazing)
Fixed it so it makes more sense to those of us NOT in Illinois.
On the Circuits appealing to SCOTUS, if the 9th, 7th, 1st, 2nd, 4th, and any others all struck down AWB and magazine laws and the states didn't appeal because SCOTUS isn't favorable, is there some sort of time limit to where the states can appeal when there's a more favorable court in say 10 years?Another chink in the anti's amor
The Illinois AWB will very likely get struck and they will appeal. The district court decision would only be instructional to Mass courts so they would ignore it.
If the district Court is upheld in appeal then that is persuasive to Mass courts. At the appellate level Mass courts would need to address the decision but they would simply reframe the arguments to something absurd and dismiss it.
If Illinois is dumb enough to appeal to SCOTUS and gets certiorari then AWB fall across all states.
The process moves slowly but it is moving in the right direction.
Mark Smith points out at the end of this video that the IL district federal judge directly referenced Caetano v. Massachusetts in his ruling. That case that some folks didn’t think much about because it just involved “stun guns” is proving to be far more impactful than might have been imagined.