“On April 20, a federal judge in the District of Columbia denied a motion for a preliminary injunction of a Washington, D.C. law banning the possession, sale, and transfer of magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition in Hanson v. D.C. The decision continues a trend of federal courts upholding large-capacity magazine, or LCM, bans under Bruen (we previously covered decisions from Oregon and Rhode Island reaching the same result). These courts have, for the most part, applied Bruen at a relatively high level of generality and determined that historical laws regulating “dangerous” weapons more broadly evince a historical tradition supporting a modern ban on large-capacity magazines…
Hanson is also notable for relying primarily on 20th century laws at the second, historical-tradition, step of the Bruen analysis. If one accepts that a more nuanced inquiry should be used in challenges to LCMs or assault weapons bans because these weapons represent “dramatic technological changes” or implicate “unprecedented societal concerns” (I think that’s likely correct, but certainly debatable), Bruen is best understood as requiring a more flexible historical-analogical inquiry rather than an inquiry that relies on laws enacted closer in time to the present day.”
A doomed decision. By using convoluted logic, historical analogs that are poor (dirks, bBowie knives, etc.) or outside the Founding era, and maintaining a scrutiny test, this decision will fall. But it may take a while.
It’s almost like Qualified Immunity for gun laws - unless an exactly equivalent law has been rejected by SCOTUS, most gun laws will withstand review by liberal courts.
This is why judges, prosecutors and politicians must have their immunity revoked and be subject to personal civil lawsuits anytime laws are overturned by SCOTUS. The people who upheld the law must have personal loss afterwards. I'd also prefer they all get removed from their positions and banned from all public service for life.