What about NJ? They also passed a Bruen response bill similar to NY’s. Heck, CA’s Bruen response bill didn’t even pass last year.so far only CA and NY have doubled down in a significant way
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What about NJ? They also passed a Bruen response bill similar to NY’s. Heck, CA’s Bruen response bill didn’t even pass last year.so far only CA and NY have doubled down in a significant way
What about NJ? They also passed a Bruen response bill similar to NY’s. Heck, CA’s Bruen response bill didn’t even pass last year.
I have trouble admitting to myself that New Jersey is a part of my country.
Just look at the enumerated powers of Congress. Letters of Marque and Reprisal could only be issued to well armed private vessels.There was regular army, and there was militia. Guess who comprised the militia? Ordinary citizens, AKA "the People" Sure, it applies to militia.
Not that big. We’re probably going to lose the next election, and Alito and Thomas need to be replaced sooner or later.(Honestly - their best bet - the Dems, that is - is to delay long enough to get a more liberal slant to the SC. Big gamble.)
That's my favorite, because it doesn't hinge on an amendment. A government cannot hire private mercenary companies with their own fully outfitted warships if they don't exist.Just look at the enumerated powers of Congress. Letters of Marque and Reprisal could only be issued to well armed private vessels.
The founders intended for us to have military level arms.
That's my favorite, because it doesn't hinge on an amendment. A government cannot hire private mercenary companies with their own fully outfitted warships if they don't exist.
Maybe NES needs to incorporate a company of privateers? Have we tied ourselves to the mast on the wrong word?
You're doing G-d's own workI teach about this every year, and my students are dumbfounded. Some of them have families with boats. I tell them Markey or Warren or whoever their rep is can introduce legislation turning them into legalized pirates and they can't believe it. But it's fully constitutional.
but so far only CA and NY have doubled down in a significant way
What about NJ?
Massachusetts says "Hold my beer!".Ah. Forgot about them.
So much for constitutional carryAnother FU to the SCOTUS
Published July 11, 2023 3:00am EDT
Indianapolis city council votes in favor of banning 'assault' rifles, removing concealed carry
So much for constitutional carry
Before oral arguments are heard, there's no way to tell which way the Supreme Court will rule. The precedent set by Bruen is extraordinarily troubling. Yet even within the court's majority in Bruen, there was a split. Justice Thomas kept his focus on historical arguments. But a concurrence by Justice Brett Kavanaugh, in which Chief Justice John Roberts joined, left room for certain basic protections, noting that "properly interpreted, the Second Amendment allows a 'variety' of gun regulations."
This is whacko!Unknown people carrying weapons were most definitely threatening
What?In the legal logic of the peace, the right of any individual to own, carry, and use guns could never take priority over the peace of the community.”
Internet, telephone, fax, telegraph, radio, tv, podcast, printer, etc.Argument destroyed with "Does 1A cover the ball point pen?"
Wow, speaking of having a fantasy version of history...
Saul Cornell, a historian at Fordham U, frets that numerous jurists and scholars have ignored his revelations regarding the true history of the 2nd Amendment, culminating in Heller, McDonald and ultimately Bruen.
Three strikes and Cornell still thinks he’s at bat?
”The errors that have crept into Second Amendment scholarship and the Supreme Court’s trio of gun rights decisions have left lower courts scrambling to apply rules derived from a version of the past that never existed. The current chaos in Second Amendment jurisprudence is a direct result of the Supreme Court’s inability to distinguish between historical fact and fantasy. The time has come to correct these errors and fashion a coherent Second Amendment jurisprudence, one rooted in the real text, history, and tradition, but not bound to the past in an unthinking fashion. Binding modern Americans to a version of the past that never existed has no foundation in history, text, or tradition.”
Except that much of the Marxist left has already conceded that they never really valued 1A either...Internet, telephone, fax, telegraph, radio, tv, podcast, printer, etc.
Like I have pointed out before, it is clear that the framers of the Constitution expected us general citizens to have significant arms if we chose to.Wow, speaking of having a fantasy version of history...
For the foregoing reasons, we REVERSE the order denying a preliminary injunction and REMAND with instruction to consider that motionexpeditiously. To ensure relative stability, we MAINTAIN the preliminaryinjunction pending appeal that the motions panel issued on May 23, 2023, asclarified by this merits panel on May 26, 2023.63 This court’s injunction willexpire 60 days from the date of this decision, or once the district court ruleson a preliminary injunction, whichever occurs first. We direct the districtcourt to rule within 60 days.We place no limitation on the matters that the conscientious districtcourt may address on remand, and we give no indication of what decisions itshould reach, regarding a preliminary injunction or any other matter.
I didn't see a Pistol Brace thread
"The CCIA also fortifies the state’s requirement that applicants for carry licenses prove good moral character, defined in the new statute as “having the essential character, temperament and judgement necessary to be entrusted with a weapon and to use it only in a manner that does not endanger oneself or others.”
Put this one in the win column, but don't celebrate too much. Here's my prediction on what happens next:Here is a ruling from the 9th Circuit ruling Hawaii's ban on butterfly knives is unconstitutional under the 2A.
They can be more dangerous to the user than the victim lolHere is a ruling from the 9th Circuit ruling Hawaii's ban on butterfly knives is unconstitutional under the 2A.
Why would en banc be denied? CA9 is a traditionally vehemently anti-2A circuit with a big history of taking pro-2A cases and reversing them.:
- Hawaii petitions for a rehearing en banc. My guess is this will be denied.