I distracted myself during today's spin-bike ride by watching the live Duke Firearms Law Center's webinar "Perspectives on American Gun Violence: Finding New Synergies for Problem-Solving from Public Health, Public Policy, Crime Control, Economics, Justice, Advocacy, Politics, and the Media".
Some high points [and my comments]:
- the hard work of engaging both gun control and gun rights supporters must be done
[but not on this webinar, which was gun control advocates only]
- the WH Office of Gun Violence Prevention might shift funding priorities from the $250 million earmarked for prevention to enforcement
[remaining funds might just cover deporting illegals with criminal records]
- fatal gun violence victims whose associates might take matters into their own hands
[are they talking young Black gang members?]
- non-fatal gun violence victims who might not be forthcoming in police investigations
[yes, young Black gang members]
- the 2019-2021 surge in gun homicides came down thereafter overall, but continues to increase in the Black community
[see, young Black gang members - again]
- mass incarceration, biased toward Blacks (48% Black vs 13% by US population) must be addressed; this doesn't mean those committing gun homicides shouldn't face penalties
[but non-fatal shootings get a pass?]
- whatever new gun policies might be enacted under the GOP's trifecta will have to be supported by both parties
[so, none...]
- to cure schizophrenia would reduce potential gun violence by up to 4%
[while I might believe that's true, the other guy in my head has doubts]
- there's still hope - don't forget the states!
[NY, NJ, HI, etc. will fight on!]
- the gun lobby is weak right now
[good, they still think the NRA is leading the effort]
- Gallup finds more than half of Americans want stricter gun laws
[Gallup 11/18/2024 "Support for a ban on handguns in the U.S. has dropped to a near-record low"]
- some time in Trump's next term he will face a mass shooting, but he's free to upset special interests
[Trump: take guns from criminals first, due process later - that upsets ACLU]
- until the left understands gun culture, no progress can be made; Harris's talk of an AWB just isn't going to fly
NOW they tell Harris...]