Supreme Court - NYSRPA v. Bruen - Megathread

Article NYSRPA on SCOTUS Blog -- discusses NYC seeking mootness
Here's a link to the other side of the point on Mootness

It is Moot

When courts don’t do what we want we call it Judicial Activism. When NYC continues to ignore Heller, McDonald and harasses gun owners at each and every opportunity, until sued into compliance, we call it Legislative Recidivism. In this case Voluntary Cessation does not moot the underlying offense.
The CT solicitor general Clare Kindall wrote a disgusting commentary on their amicus brief today. Paraphrased:

Clare Kindall said:
“Your Second Amendment right is granted in your home, therefore stop complaining that we won’t give it to you in public."
“Shifting a two-tier license including premises only to single-tier and all public licenses violates the rights of those who only want a private property license.”
“The Court would pervert the Second Amendment if all licenses were made effective in public premises.”

What other Constitution-enumerated natural human rights must you ask permission for, then hope they'll allow it outside the home, too? Who on earth says, "I only want rights in my house, so don't tread on me by expanding my rights to the public as well."? What a joke.

The Solicitor General of CT is an assh*le. Nothing short of a total firearms ban appears to be afoul of Heller and McDonald in her opinion. “Because the Second Amendment protects homes and businesses and does not require all handgun licenses to be carry-in-public licenses, the court should uphold the 2nd Circuit’s decision and find that the former New York City requirement for its premises handgun licenses did not violate the Constitution.” So *transportation* of an unloaded, locked firearm becomes carry-in-public? “That f’er cut me off! I’m going to pull over, unlock my pistol and unlock my ammo, load my gun, and catch up to that f’er and shoot them” is the scenario she and NY claim.

She knows that she, in her S.G. role, cannot harass criminals (who don’t give a sh*t what she says) so she harasses law-abiding, honest gun owners. Addressing *actual* criminal firearms use insults a protected class of minorities (young black males) that Bloomberg apologized to for wrongly profiling for Stop-and-Frisk searches.

This one is comical.
Basicly says that Heller has been ignored and abused for so long that its a consensus and ignoring it is settled law.

This one is comical.
Basicly says that Heller has been ignored and abused for so long that its a consensus and ignoring it is settled law.
We can legally tar&feather him as long as we can find a dozen or so people to form a consensus that she deserves it. Let’s go!
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The CT solicitor general Clare Kindall wrote a disgusting commentary on their amicus brief today. Paraphrased:

What other Constitution-enumerated natural human rights must you ask permission for, then hope they'll allow it outside the home, too? Who on earth says, "I only want rights in my house, so don't tread on me by expanding my rights to the public as well."? What a joke.

I think she's 100% correct. It shouldn't be a right outside the home. Let's follow back to the Bible as well as our guide. In many places, both old and New Testament, it states that wimmens should STFU outside the home. So, Claire, how'bout'it? 1A is only for your home - especially if you are penile-deficient.
I think she's 100% correct. It shouldn't be a right outside the home. Let's follow back to the Bible as well as our guide. In many places, both old and New Testament, it states that wimmens should STFU outside the home. So, Claire, how'bout'it? 1A is only for your home - especially if you are penile-deficient.

That's an incorrect generalization of the Bible, a cheap straw man against Christians, completely unrelated to any argument Kindall made, and only alienating to some who are otherwise in agreement with your pro-2A stance. Please keep the religious debates where they belong.
No, this case has a hearing for arguments scheduled for December 2nd. What comes out that, who knows.

Latest filings:

The first is our side, the 2nd is NYC's weasel letter.

On November 15, 2019, the Solicitor General filed a letter brief informing the Court of the United States’ view that “respondents have not established that this case is moot.” Letter from Noel J. Francisco, Solicitor General, to the Honorable Scott S. Harris 1 (Nov. 15, 2019) (“U.S. Letter Br.”). Petitioners, of course, wholeheartedly agree. Indeed, this case is not moot for multiple reasons, including—but certainly not limited to—the one emphasized by the United States.
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All on Yahoo when first logging in:

The way the Antis are loosing their minds over this, it makes me think it might really be something big, like Heller Big.

Supreme Court: Gun Laws Save Lives Rally
Supreme Court of the United States
Washington, DC 20543
When:Monday, December 2, 9:00 AM
Rally with a coalition of gun violence prevention groups in front of the Supreme Court of the United States in support of gun safety. Oral arguments will be heard on the morning of December 2nd in the case of New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. City of New York. The NRA wants the Supreme Court to roll back progress made at the ballot box and in state legislatures. Join us and stand up against the NRA's extreme approach that threatens our constitutional rights, our lives, and public safety!
Nice for them to be afraid for once about rights being restored and protected instead of being smug about stomping all over and taking away said rights.

No more may issue and affirming a right to bear outside the home would be great.
The way the Antis are loosing their minds over this, it makes me think it might really be something big, like Heller Big.

The law at issue is small potatoes. Even a lot of antis think that the NYC law is unduly onerous, and doesn't serve a legitimate public safety interest. They think that anyone who can jump through the hoops required to get a NYC premises handgun permit isn't going to pose a public safety issue by transporting it, unloaded, in a locked container to some other location.

What the Antis are afraid of is that SCOTUS will say that "strict scrutiny" is to be applied to regulations that impact Second Amendment rights. "Strict scrutiny", as many will know, means that the law has to achieve a legitimate public-policy interest and has to use the least restrictive means possible to achieve that interest. Strict scrutiny is most commonly applied in cases where a law disparately affects a suspect class on the basis of something like race, religion, or national origin, but there's also precedent for applying it where a law affects a fundamental right. And Heller and McDonald have established the RTKBA as such.

What many courts have instead been applying to gun cases post-Heller has been some form of "intermediate scrutiny" where they perform a balancing test of "how much does this really infringe on someone's rights versus how much does this reduce gun violence." Some other lower courts have applied strict scrutiny. The level of scrutiny to be applied is one of the things that SCOTUS needs to sort out.

If it turns out that SCOTUS says that strict scrutiny is to be applied, it provides excellent grounds for throwing out a lot of the more restrictive firearms laws around the country. Feature-based assault weapons bans, magazine capacity limits, and burdensome processes to obtain a license to possess a firearm in one's own home may all fall. So may "non-issue" and "whimsical issue" policies for licenses to carry a firearm, if someone successfully brings a Peruta type case to court that says that the "and bear" part of 2A is essentially meaningless without the ability to carry outside the home. All of *that* is what has the antis' underwear in a twist.

Desperately biased but interesting to see the panic in all the gun-grabbers quotes - and a token quote from Gottlieb, just to show the author is writing a balanced article,😂 Reference therein to Duke Firearms Law Center and a book entitled The Positive Second Amendment published over a year ago with only a single Amazon review Amazon product ASIN 1316611280View:
It must be deep scholarly stuff nobody can figure out how to use...

The authors here discussing their work. Definitely a flavor of doubt based on their rejection of self-defense as the “animating” theory of the 2nd Amendment, with safety, autonomy and anti-tyranny their preferred theories. All three of which can more readily be dismissed than self-defense. I’ll admit I chuckled at their point on tyranny - what kinds of guns would you need to address tyranny? Dangerous and unusual ones. And where would you take them? Government buildings. All excepted in Heller...

They also note that most gun owners never have to use a gun in self-defense - they think most intra-personal gun use is by criminals. There they are quite wrong - *use* of a gun in self-defense does not require firing of a weapon. That’s the part they all miss - guns have a cost AND a benefit.

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