Survival Deals

If I wasn't so friggen house/move poor, I would snap one or 2 of these up.

I would too.. but that's just one thing I have no interest in trying to get my head around. Every time I look into it, it seems way more complicated and time consuming than I care to explore.
So, still a good deal?

They seem to be staying in the $30-40 range. I bought one and I like to listen to the local repeater while I study for my ham license. It's a good way to learn some of the etiquette. Of course, Friday and Saturday nights I keep it tuned to the local PD dispatch. Mostly drunks and domestics, but occasionally I'll hear something good.

If you're interested in getting your license it's $15 and the Technician test is pretty easy. The questions come from a set pool, so you can just read through them a few times and memorize ones you don't know or can't figure out. Yeah, it's cheating but whatever. If you think you know enough, take some practice tests online.
Survival plan. Very basic but you can always build on. Below is good if you have to leave or shelter in place. stuff gets heavy. Find a neighbors house and shack up together till event is over.

1 gallon of water per day per person
2 containers of bleach to make unsanitary water drinkable
Peanut butter and crackers (will get sick of it but has a lot of energy and easy to carry)
Crapper paper
Hand sanitizer
Dry cat food (dog will eat to)
Flashlights and candles and matches
Foot powder and extra socks.
Survival plan. Very basic but you can always build on. Below is good if you have to leave or shelter in place. stuff gets heavy. Find a neighbors house and shack up together till event is over.

1 gallon of water per day per person
2 containers of bleach to make unsanitary water drinkable
Peanut butter and crackers (will get sick of it but has a lot of energy and easy to carry)
Crapper paper
Hand sanitizer
Dry cat food (dog will eat to)
Flashlights and candles and matches
Foot powder and extra socks.
You will need guns and ammo more than any first aid supplies? Damn, I thought I lived in a bad and others have practical lists.
Why, why, why do I check this post. It's dangerous I tell you. I now am waiting on my new HAM radio and I don't even have a license or knew I even wanted one prior to reading this damn thread........
Survival plan. Very basic but you can always build on. Below is good if you have to leave or shelter in place. stuff gets heavy. Find a neighbors house and shack up together till event is over.

Dry cat food (dog will eat to)

Careful on this one, dog across the street supposedly died getting too much cat food to eat.
Careful on this one, dog across the street supposedly died getting too much cat food to eat.

Yeah, cat food and dog food have two completely different ratios of nutrients. A dog will likely get pancreatitis and die if fed cat food for too long as its too high in meat content, and consequently fat.
Survival plan. Very basic but you can always build on. Below is good if you have to leave or shelter in place. stuff gets heavy. Find a neighbors house and shack up together till event is over.

1 gallon of water per day per person
2 containers of bleach to make unsanitary water drinkable
Peanut butter and crackers (will get sick of it but has a lot of energy and easy to carry)
Crapper paper
Hand sanitizer
Dry cat food (dog will eat to)
Flashlights and candles and matches
Foot powder and extra socks.

Add a reliable and durable water filter to that list, like a Katadyn
Survival plan. Very basic but you can always build on. Below is good if you have to leave or shelter in place. stuff gets heavy. Find a neighbors house and shack up together till event is over.

1 gallon of water per day per person
2 containers of bleach to make unsanitary water drinkable
Peanut butter and crackers (will get sick of it but has a lot of energy and easy to carry)
Crapper paper
Hand sanitizer
Dry cat food (dog will eat to)
Flashlights and candles and matches
Foot powder and extra socks.

RE: Dry cat food (dog will eat too)

FYI Dogs and cats have completely different nutritional needs and neither one will thrive or even survive long on the other's food. Get dog food for the dog and cat food for the cat and feed them correctly.

Also, bleach loses effectiveness with age, For long term storage, use dry calcium hypochlorite (pool shock) and mix yourself small batches of liquid chlorine bleach as you need it. Store the powdered calcium hypochlorite in a water proof container and keep it away from moisture.

Sorry its a repeat of the information, I didn't slog through the whole thread, but its confirmation of the points made.
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Or don't buy the pet food. Just eat the cat in the first week and feed the dog with table scraps and then eat it for Christmas!

No friggin way Im ever eatting cat food.

I'm figuring you've never been starving. If you ever get to that point of hunger, you'll eat cat food and love every minute of it.
Or don't buy the pet food. Just eat the cat in the first week and feed the dog with table scraps and then eat it for Christmas!

I'm figuring you've never been starving. If you ever get to that point of hunger, you'll eat cat food and love every minute of it.

I've eaten it. It's kind of gross but palatable. Unfortunately I didn't win the Playstation.
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