Survival Deals

Costco sells a 48 pack of Kirkland AA's.

Better than most at low or high drain applications.

The January 2014 issue of Consumer Reports magazine rates AA batteries, and the only battery with the vaunted "Best Buy" checkmark is Costco Wholesale's Kirkland Signature (alkaline). It received a score of 52 and has a unit price of 50 cents per pair -- though they're only available in 48 packs.

A variety of Duracell batteries scored anywhere from 51 to 57 on the tally, but their prices range from 4 times to nearly 5 times the cost of the Kirkland Signature batteries.
^that is a great site. be sure to check the box of candles when they come in, the liquid inside stinks if it leaks out. beprepared also has an amazon . com storefront for anyone who wants to take the extra steps to support comm2a
Just pulled the trigger on these deals: $700 off 33%
This is a year supply/2000 cal day/1 person 'kit'

I've been contemplating getting this for a long time. For that price I think it's time to pull the trigger as well!

One thing I always found funny on their site. They sell low fat, low calorie cans for your SHTF kit. Example is they have low fat granola for sale. Who the hell wants low fat, low calorie anything if the SHTF???? Like I care about being skinny and/or healthy if that happens.
I've been contemplating getting this for a long time. For that price I think it's time to pull the trigger as well!

One thing I always found funny on their site. They sell low fat, low calorie cans for your SHTF kit. Example is they have low fat granola for sale. Who the hell wants low fat, low calorie anything if the SHTF???? Like I care about being skinny and/or healthy if that happens.

I think the idea is you will eventually need to eat the shit if the apocalypse never happens and you can rotate your stock and buy new stuff.
Just pulled the trigger on these deals: $700 off 33%
This is a year supply/2000 cal day/1 person 'kit' $15 off $30 off

LOTS OF OTHER STUFF ON SALE - some deep discounts - it says on their site you pay when it ships

I would look over that contents list carefully. It looks a little light on protein to me.

However, it looks like an excellent way to help deal with the monotony of a bland pantry. It's one of the reasons I have made an effort to get everything I can to make a variety of flavors, spices, etc stored.
Walmart now carries CELOX in the small packages in the sporting goods section. Good for fingers and other smaller areas - the size pouch (2 per box) indicate it wouldn't be ideal for an arterial bleed, but slipping with a fishing knife on the finger - a good thing to have.

That yr supply of food is now up $50 and still showing out of stock - but mine shipped - will have it by the weekend I bet - now a place to stash it.....

btw weighs in at ~600 lbs.

21 Large Boxes ~19x13x8 and 2 small boxes (less than 1 large one total)
I grossly underestimated the storage space required

Found this blast from the past - 2010 era
Current is $2100/$1450
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Noticed a lot of the Woot barrels are recycled. YMMV, but FYI:

HDPE high density polyethylene, is the most common food safe plastic. Polyethylene has a pretty good track record for chemical stability, durability, and and minimal leaching. But it does readily absorb certAin materials....ever try to get the smell of pickles or BBQ sauce out of a reused bucket?

Artificial fragrances used in many body and cleaning products are particularly bad, and easily noticed by smelling recycled HDPE. These substances can migrate into the plastic and then leach back out into contents later, so care must be used when repurposing plastic containers.

The recycling process does nothing to scrub these contaminants from the plastic when reformed. And once you are using plastic from the post consumer waste stream, there is no control over what was in those containers getting ground up and blended with virgin plastic.....laundry soap, insecticide, drain get the idea

It would be quite possible to get off favors or even serious toxins by using recycled material for foodstuffs.

Tony P.
If you don't have a hand-held GPS but do have a smart phone with a GPS chip, you do not need a cell signal for GPS: it's just that the mapping apps most people use are loaded via the cell connection.

Sygic is an app that downloads maps (by state) to your smartphone so you can navigate without cell service. I'm told they are the same maps used in TomTom but don't know that for sure. On Easter sale now for $20, half price.

Worcester offering rain barrels for sale
(until May 9)[/h]WORCESTER — The city is offering discounted 60-gallon rain barrels to city residents and nonresidents.

The Department of Public Works and Parks has partnered with The Great American Rain Barrel Co. of Hyde Park to offer rain barrels at a discounted price.

Each 60-gallon barrel comes with a hard top, wide mouth, removable lid, screen, plastic spigot threaded for hose connection, two ¾-inch overflow valves and a choice between two ports to place a spigot.

Painted barrels cost $65; unpainted barrels cost $60." has deals listed for other MA towns too.
Thanks for the rain barrel pointer! I got one for $50 via an Acton resident!

Costco is having a $30 off sale on their Foodsaver 2in1 vacuum sealing system, normally 149.99, now $119.99.

Worcester offering rain barrels for sale
(until May 9)

WORCESTER — The city is offering discounted 60-gallon rain barrels to city residents and nonresidents.

The Department of Public Works and Parks has partnered with The Great American Rain Barrel Co. of Hyde Park to offer rain barrels at a discounted price.

Each 60-gallon barrel comes with a hard top, wide mouth, removable lid, screen, plastic spigot threaded for hose connection, two ¾-inch overflow valves and a choice between two ports to place a spigot.

Painted barrels cost $65; unpainted barrels cost $60." has deals listed for other MA towns too.

well i missed this, (wasnt in my town anyway). is there any intrest in getting NES a group rate? not sure how many we need to get the rate...
Worcester's deadline for ordering is May 9th, pickup on 17th, and you don't need to be a resident...I don't think you need to prove residency in any town, for that matter (but you might want to check with the vendor first) - all I see on their order forms is requirement that billing address is in same state as program offer. The pickup location is in the specified town, for instance:

North Attleboro 2014 Rain Barrel Program

Pick UP: Wednesday, July 9th 5:00-7:00pm
North Attleboro DPW Highway Barn
240 Smith St
North Attleboro, MA 02760

Deadline for ordering: July 2, 5:00pm

Ordering instructions:
-click on pictures below to access products that are on special for your community
-choose "Community Program Pick Up" as shipping method when checking out
-billing address must be consistent with address of credit card that you are using
oh the raynham one (the one closest to me) had something about the billing address being the same as the shipping address. tought i saw something about residents only, i will have to look at it again, thanks

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