Survival PT, #1 priority.

1. Bobkatt you got it, my guys do it all the time. Check out the recent thread
Tested in the woods

Boghog never said neglect knowledge I said PT priority, why? most are lazy, so do the hard stuff first, while your resting read, watch and learn and practice skills. If I left it up to the students to do PT….guess what??? it would never happen and they would be looking for any reason to neglect it.
That’s why they have a drill Sgt. To make sure you do it all.
Up for the task anyone???

Thats really cool. I think the members on this forum that are interested should organize something like that. Even a backpacking trip for a few nights deep into white mountain national forest would be a good start.
Just a few things, PT is not just for folks over weight it’s for everyone.
PT (Physical Training) is to develop attributes or athletic qualities such as Strength, endurance, flexibility, coordination, etc.
All these make up a healthy body/machine. Why do you need them for survival?
To continuously perform rigorous tasks for hours, days, or even weeks at a time.
1.Walking-running miles at a time up and down uncertain terrain..
2.Carrying 30.-50LB loads
3.Jumping, bending, twisting, crawling and climbing threw and around objects.
4.Cutting, dragging and splitting trees.
5.Hauling rocks and debris etc.

PT all ties in with
What you know to perform these tasks
What you carry to perform these tasks
What you wear to perform these tasks
What you eat-drink to perform these tasks
Conserving energy to perform these tasks
And feeling strong and confident to perform these tasks.

No one is exempt from PT fat or thin, tall or short, young or old, man or woman. Surviving in the elements is harsh and painful.

You don’t have to go to the gym for Survival PT, actually I would rather see you not??? as the saying goes "train as you fight and fight as you train". In other words if survival is what your goal is, do the tasks that will entail survival, but hey, if the gym is all you got, use it as supplemental training. But remember just because you can ride the stationary bike for 1hr or bench a big number doesn’t mean you can drag, spit and haul trees all day.

Folks can do what ever they want, makes no dif to me, but as said
"To me if folks skip their PT training their preps/survival is just a hobby, fun stuff to do, and that’s ok, with all the BS in life fun is good….:-) "

Over and out.
"JMJKD home page"
"To me if folks skip their PT training their preps/survival is just a hobby, fun stuff to do, and that’s ok, with all the BS in life fun is good….:-) "

Over and out.
"JMJKD home page"
no actually you said PT is the number 1 priority, there is a big difference in prepping yourself both mentally and physically and saying PT is the number one priority. if I said Food was the number one priority, or skills is the number one priority it would be wrong the number one priority in prepping is to be prepared, mentally and physically. Being prepared mentally isn't just about knowing what to do either, you must have the fortitude to take on whatever comes your way no matter what it is if you want to survive.
But if you really want to outrun the zombies, perhaps you should train and test yourself via the Baltimore Zombie Marathon

BTW... is that red thing a ribbon or is he REALLY happy to see that female zombie [smile]

I'm guess though that if a zombie tries to take my 'life' I can't head shoot him. Well screw that, I'm not playing.

this!! I wanna shoot ZOOOOMBIIIEEES!!

If anyone actually is interested, there is also a "zombie run" type thing happening this spring at Amesbury. It's called "Run for your life" or something like that. No weapons allowed though, unfortunately [laugh]
If anyone actually is interested, there is also a "zombie run" type thing happening this spring at Amesbury. It's called "Run for your life" or something like that. No weapons allowed though, unfortunately [laugh]

That's ok, but when I catch them can i dump them on their head and choke them out? If not we will have to see the man about the rules....:-)
That's ok, but when I catch them can i dump them on their head and choke them out? If not we will have to see the man about the rules....:-)

No. The is like the Warrior Dash(same course, actually), but you have a tag or a flag, and if a zombie takes it off of you, you lose. So the goal is to finish the race 'alive'.

These races can be a lot of fun, and a great way to injure yourself really badly depending on the course conditions. I'd say they are like the Marine Corps obstacle course, tuned so that a 300 lb person can complete it.

ETA: I just took a closer look at the race site, and the price is obscene. It's $67 if you sign up right now! That is about 3 times the cost of most 5k's. The Warrior Dash was overpriced at $55, but now I see it's $65 or more next year. And afterwards, you can look forward to $4 for a 12 oz Coors draft, $8 for a turkey leg, and tickets sold in $10 strips. So, is it fun? Yes. Is it a complete ripoff? Very much so, unless you have a couple hundred dollars to drop. Sorry to be a grump about it, but since I did the Boston Firefighter 10k Sunday($25 for entry, a T-shirt, awesome raffle prizes, and all the free beer you can drink before the taps run out), for me it underscores just how badly they are gouging you at these races. And, yes, I know the BFD gets lots of stuff donated, but still...

How about we sign up for a 5k, I'll dress up like a zombie and chase you, and afterwards you can buy me a beer. Total cost: $30. Heck, I saw a guy run Ironman Lake Placid wearing a pink tutu, so I doubt anyone would mind. ;p
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300lb guys drinking beer? forget it i'll never get one. I guess boghog was right,
PT isn't the #1 Priority ....Beer is...:-)
Man I hate it when I'm wrong!!!


I knew exactly what I was doing.

Just getting ready to go out in 90 degree heat and do my workout so I can prepare my body for the inevitable societal collapse scenario I've been dreaming about my whole life...but now that it's almost here, it's not nearly as exciting as I thought it would be.

Anyway...even though I put it off (and put ON 20lbs since I got out of the Marine Corps last year), I'm considering physical traning (PT) to be a vital part of my preparedness for what's coming.

Honestly, I completely despise working out...I'd rather be getting wasted and reloading ammunition in my basement while watching porn hub. But if I'm gunna be a real III percenter when the time comes to dump that tea in the harbor, I think I need to shed this fluffy outer layer and get back to something that more resembles a leaner/greener me of yesteryear.

So consider this your reveille! Get outside and do burpees until you puke...go chase a hot girl that's jogging so you can watch her butt jiggle in front of you the whole time (but don't catch up, because THAT's creepy)...carry some buckets of water across the yard aimlessly...

What are you guys doing to stay fit?

I've been alternating various methods of cardio and the free 'Strong Lifts' app on my phone to help develop a routine and get back into it without slipping or getting lazy. This is 'easy' to follow for me and I don't have to go out of my way for any of it. There's videos on how to correctly do all of this stuff online, and I try to not spend much more than 30 minutes from start to finish so I'm not wasting all the time I was when I was going to a Crossfit gym.

Day 1 - Rowing (2500m Total - alternate 1 minute 250m with 1 min rest, then rinse and repeat until you get to desired distance.) I will increase distance/rate as my ability improves.

Day 2 - (Strong Lifts App) - Back Squat and Over Head Press 5x5 (5 sets of 5 reps) at light weight and increase as app tells you to and Deadlift 1x5 (1 set of 5 reps)

Day 3 - Airdyne (Assault Bike) or just go for a bike ride until your heart rate gets up. I did 20 minutes and it might have been a little much for my first day after squats and my quads were DEAD the next day. This is more meant for cardio and not necessarily to kill your legs that are already trying to heal from the previous day.

Day 4 - (Strong Lifts App) - Front Squats 5x5 (typically at 20-25% less weight than back squats) - Bench Press 5x5 - Barbell Row 5x5 (Strong Lifts app will give you 'starter weights' based on your body weight to take the guess work out of it.) If something is too heavy, you can adjust the number in the app and it will 'learn' your progress based on if you successfully lift the listed weight, or if you fail a set.

Day 5 - Running - f***. Everyone hates running. I started with a mile, but will increase as I'm able to breath a little better moving forward. I went on google maps and you can actually make a route (and the distance is very accurate) so you know how far you're actually going.

Day 6 - Do something FUN! Something you love that requires you to move around...go hiking, rock climbing, mountain biking or kayaking...try to get in a swim if you can to cool off and get ALL the sore muscles in your body moving at the same time.

Day 7 - Take the day off...go to the basement and get shit-faced and make some pornography.

The main point is keeping the routine and not getting too far off track. I already took a day off because yesterday was like a billion degrees out here in Indy...well the jokes on me because now it's a billion degrees and humid...but lucky for me it's a lifting day, and it's supposed to get a little cooler tomorrow.

Anyone else care to share?
To all the Preppers and survivalist, is PT your number 1 priority? It should be, but I’m willing to bet 90% of most put this last if not at all on the priority list. Why?
IT S**ks!!!! It’s grueling and in some cases even painful. To me if folks skip their PT training their preps/survival is just a hobby, fun stuff to do, and that’s ok, with all the BS in life fun is good….:) . But you will never survive a disaster for very long if you are out of shape.

What does in shape mean? Going beyond “what you believe” is safe for you to do, physically, mentally and emotionally. I’m not talking about taking risks, like jumping over water falls, I’m talking about someone, or something dictating pace. Taking the choice from you on how fast, how hard, and how long you push yourself.

90% will prep for everything but PT, This thinking is as upside down as this country, following the lead of the powers above, knowing that it’s wrong and still finding accuses to continue with the same, taking short cuts and trying to buy your way out of this #1 priority with gear and supplies..

YOU are the #1 priority, You will be running from danger, You will be carrying your gear, your child, your weapons. You will be hungry, thirsty, and up for days at a time.

You don’t have to be over the top with this, start slow, develop self motivation, train yourself to keep pushing. You mind will try to convince you to quit. Don’t all for it. Some may need a professional trainer, pick a tough one…No Wimps.

3 times a week for 6 months and you will be on your way. You will feel better, more confident, sure footed and all your survival and prepping tasks will be easier to perform, especially under stress.

Great thread and post, I agree 100%
You don’t have to be faster than the bear, you have to be faster than the guy(s) your with😂😂😂👍🏻🐻

Yeah, there was a thread about that last week...apparently the park service doesn't want you to 'push' your buddy in order to make them fall and be the easy maybe just being FASTER is totally ok?

...seems legit/perfectly fair to me.
Gotta get those workouts in. I get mine done first thing in the morning before i start thinking up excuses. Personally, I believe it's every man's responsibility to be fit. If you're not in shape then you're nothing but a burden to those around you when things go bad. How are you going to help your wife and kids when you can't get out of your own way?
Anyway...even though I put it off (and put ON 20lbs since I got out of the Marine Corps last year), I'm considering physical traning (PT) to be a vital part of my preparedness for what's coming.

Honestly, I completely despise working out..

Semper Fi. Get after it.

You shouldn't despise PT, and I hope you can get past that. I've learned to love it... not for what it will do for my health in the future, but for how it makes me feel each day I do it.
Nothing gets you into shape like muay thai and bjj classes. I like to do both these classes in the same night, and then something else alternating days. Usually weightlifting, 5x5 workout, but it's nice to switch it up.
Nothing gets you into shape like muay thai and bjj classes. I like to do both these classes in the same night, and then something else alternating days. Usually weightlifting, 5x5 workout, but it's nice to switch it up.
And I thought u were a day trading book worm in a basement somewhere😂😂😂👍🏻
Don't listen to him, folks. @76Too has kept in prime physical condition since leaving the Corps. We're talking Iron Man caliber here. No joke, he holds 3 World Shake-Weight titles!!!

Don't believe me? Here's proof of his physical prowess!


Yeah, sorry- couldn't resist. [rofl]

On a serious note, despite being a gym rat from my late teens through my 40's; running, weights, and cycling get you in shape for running, weights, and cycling. I played rugby for a number of years and I'm sure it's not exactly shocking that fights often break out during tough games. I went a completely ripped 220 lbs in those days but despite not having the dad fat I have now, a fight would wear me out before too long. Thankfully the other guy was worn out too.

I was into martial arts from my 30's through 40's, including a more traditional karate striking style plus regular BJJ training with a Gracie instructor. We had invite-only Friday full contact sparring for 1st degree black belts and up, and that shit will really get you in shape in a manner that counts. I think it's part physical, part mental. The mental part is being in control of yourself and not wasting energy on crap that a) gets you tired and b) assuredly gets your ass kicked.

Here's one you will really love: Carry a heavy pack (65 lbs or more)10 miles or more over rough terrain. Bonus points for high altitude but good luck in Indianer. Jogging with your Walkman doesn't begin to prepare a body for this.

These days I just carry so I don't have to run or fight, unless I want to fight. [smile]
Semper Fi. Get after it.

You shouldn't despise PT, and I hope you can get past that. I've learned to love it... not for what it will do for my health in the future, but for how it makes me feel each day I do it.

HOPEFULLY, I learn to not hate it's just a little rough knocking the dust off at first...especially with my first beer belly of my life...certainly makes burpees interesting.

AND Semper FI!

Nothing gets you into shape like muay thai and bjj classes. I like to do both these classes in the same night, and then something else alternating days. Usually weightlifting, 5x5 workout, but it's nice to switch it up.

This is precisely my 'next step'...Marine Corps Martial Arts program taught me enough to know how to get my ass kicked in a bar fight, but I REALLY need some hand to hand (or foot to face) and ground training. I'd like to show up to the gym at least somewhat 'fit' so i'm not dying when trying to learn something new. Need to work jump rope in again in a few weeks.

Don't listen to him, folks. @76Too

Here's one you will really love: Carry a heavy pack (65 lbs or more)10 miles or more over rough terrain. Bonus points for high altitude but good luck in Indianer. Jogging with your Walkman doesn't begin to prepare a body for this.

This is actually one of my favorite things to do...ever. When I lived out west I did multiple hikes into the Grand Canyon and up to the High Sierras...not much more than a week at a time (sometimes 9 days or so). The NICE part about Indiana is it's CENTRAL to everything (nicknamed 'The Crossroads of America'). Southern Indiana and Central/Western KY have some KILLER does southern OH, surprisingly and into WV...obviously TN.

I WILL incorporate backpacking into my routine again...probably head west to some spots in SD and WY before the world comes to an end.

100% on the shake weight cardio...that's the only thing that's kept me alive since getting out of the Corps!
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This is precisely my 'next step'...Marine Corps Martial Arts program taught me enough to know how to get my ass kicked in a bar fight, but I REALLY need some hand to hand (or foot to face) and ground training. I'd like to show up to the gym at least somewhat 'fit' so i'm not dying when trying to learn something new. Need to work jump rope in again in a few weeks.

Always remember that the first rule of fighting is that kicks are for knees and groins. If you try kicking anyone higher than that, better hope they forgot this rule.
The only dirty fight is the one you lost.
At this point in my life I am doing 20 minutes of calisthenics before work. Then I work construction all day, some days being harder than others. I try to get in a short run most days to get the heart rate up and blood flowing, 15 minutes. I prefer mountain biking but it is more of a time commitment that I don't make.
Add to that is a healthy diet. I'm not quite free of carbs yet but I am getting close. 3 cups of leafy greens every day and a good amount of animal protein.
Two or three big boy drinks a week. Otherwise it's water and black coffee. Maybe a Powerade if I'm sweating heavy during the day.
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