To all the Preppers and survivalist, is PT your number 1 priority? It should be, but I’m willing to bet 90% of most put this last if not at all on the priority list. Why?
IT S**ks!!!! It’s grueling and in some cases even painful. To me if folks skip their PT training their preps/survival is just a hobby, fun stuff to do, and that’s ok, with all the BS in life fun is good….

. But you will never survive a disaster for very long if you are out of shape.
What does in shape mean? Going beyond “what you believe” is safe for you to do, physically, mentally and emotionally. I’m not talking about taking risks, like jumping over water falls, I’m talking about someone, or something dictating pace. Taking the choice from you on how fast, how hard, and how long you push yourself.
90% will prep for everything but PT, This thinking is as upside down as this country, following the lead of the powers above, knowing that it’s wrong and still finding accuses to continue with the same, taking short cuts and trying to buy your way out of this #1 priority with gear and supplies..
YOU are the #1 priority, You will be running from danger, You will be carrying your gear, your child, your weapons. You will be hungry, thirsty, and up for days at a time.
You don’t have to be over the top with this, start slow, develop self motivation, train yourself to keep pushing. You mind will try to convince you to quit. Don’t all for it. Some may need a professional trainer, pick a tough one…No Wimps.
3 times a week for 6 months and you will be on your way. You will feel better, more confident, sure footed and all your survival and prepping tasks will be easier to perform, especially under stress.