NES Member
What about an AR15 with a 22 conversion bolt? You could have 2K rounds of 22 and 200 rounds of 556.
That's way to go if there's a squirrel zombie apocalypse.
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What about an AR15 with a 22 conversion bolt? You could have 2K rounds of 22 and 200 rounds of 556.
Side by side 12 gauge loaded with one slug and one bird shot. Can take small game or large with the same gun.
I've seen the savage models up at Kittery Trading Post when I am up there.......22 over 410 like you said. Damn they are ugly looking guns though and could not bring myself to buy one! I know I know......who cares what it looks like......but damn!!!!I am still a fan of the mixed Caliber over under guns. I miss the one that Four Seasons had the Year too bad that was a 30-06 and 12 gauge break open. Same concept as the little Savage gun that is in 22 and 410 just in Big Boy calibers
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Just found an interesting rifle I was not aware of and it seems like the perfect choice. A Ruger 77/357. Can shoot 38 or 357, bolt action, stainless with a synthetic stock. Could reload to tailor the need, light 38's for small game or 357 magnums for big game ( 2 or 4 legged). Put a nice 1x4 scope on this and it would be a pretty handy rifle.
I know this is outside how the OP asked the question, but if the goal is mainly hunting for meat and home defense, a 12ga pump. A shotgun, like no other gun, can be used for squirrel, turkey, geese, deer and everything in between. It's also an outstanding home defense gun. No, it's not the best if you are in an urban combat squad, but realistically, how likely is that to happen.