Suspended from school for using a Glock pen

Uh... no. Read the original thread on and you'll see that the father went in to meet with the idiot who suspended him the morning after - accompanied by his lawyer - and that all got dropped FAST.

Warning - the thread on arfcom is like 30 pages!
the blogger is a great writer:

"I took my son to school and met with the VP. This guy is about 30 years old and looks like a poster child for gay bathhouses."

should have sued his ass for mental crueltry to his child.
The insanity in this country gets worse by the day.

Where is the "head bang against the wall" smilie when you need it??????
I have a Glock Key chain hanging in my cube at work. I actually gave away some pens and stickers that I got from GLock to some employees that also shoot.
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doesnt suprise me... when i was in school i would always give the adminstators problems when they would tell me to stop talking about firearms being used in a responsible manner.

i would tell them that it diddnt suprise me that they were trying to infringe on my first amendment rights because they were trying to take away my second amendment rights... most teachers are flameing leftists anyway.
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The insanity in this country gets worse by the day.

Where is the "head bang against the wall" smilie when you need it??????

Here ya go:

Although I think that the three targets hanging on my cubicle wall may have given my coworkers the idea that I shoot...
[frown]I can see how they're getting more PC though. My 9yo son is in cub scouts, his den leader, an LEO to boot, told me he gave them a 'talking to' last week. The boys were talking about guns & the video games they play, etc. He told them you can't be talking about guns, shooting, which is the best gun, etc.

Mind you, this guy HAS guns, he just waaay too afraid about what other parents might say or call in to the BSA council, etc.

And all the boys have earned their BB gun badge while at camp last summer.
should I NOT be wearing this to class?[shocked] I wore it today!


ps. when i was in 4th grade my friends and i traded spent shells in school, the more shiny and the bigger they were, he more they were worth! we did get introuble and have to discard of them all.. no suspension or anything though.
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Can no one call out idiocy for what it is anymore?

We need more angry parents and citizens to put bureaucratic weasles like that vice principal in their place[angry2]
I've worn an S&W shirt to school before and although one guy raised an eyebrow (because he's a Glock owner apparently), no one else cared. 'Course that's grad school.
In my senior year of high school...1997... my history teacher took 10 of us students down to Belize for an amazing 9-day school trip. We spent 5 days staying at a compound in the rain forest... and 4 days on an island all to ourselves.

After the first day of guided tours in the rain forest... we all saw the usefulness of our guide's machete. So that evening each of us went to the compound's outdoor gear shop and purchased a machete with a 16" blade. And these were REAL machetes... the blades were not SUPER sharp but they were certainly rain-forest-ready.

All I did beforehand... was ask our teacher for permission. All I said was, "Hey Mrs Johnston... can we, each, buy a machete so we'll be prepared for the rest of the week?" Her response was a simple, "Sure!" And she followed suit along with her husband in buying two of their own.

We used them all week, all day, everyday to crack open coconuts... clear some trails through the rainforest... etc. We did what anyone would do with a machete in a rainforest. We were all responsible with them. They were always sheathed unless we were actually using them. They were one of the most useful tools we could have had in the rainforest... and even on the island.

After getting home from the trip... the 10 of us had to present our experiences and thoughts about the trip to our class and we all brought in our machetes to school for that purpose. A "show and tell" if you will. We didn't even have to get permission to do that! We just brought them in.

The teachers didn't give the machetes a second thought. To the teachers, it was a no brainer. Us kids were bringing in a tool that people use in the rainforest to show to our classmates. That was it. No one freaked out. No one was suspicious of our intentions.

The machetes might as well have been cute little kittens.

Man... Things have changed since then, huh.

If I were in high school now... and asked for permission to bring in a machete to school for the purposes of a report/presentation I'd probably get suspended on the spot. And if I just brought it in without asking... I'd probably get expelled, arrested, and put in jail... but not before the high school, the 2 middle schools, an the 5 elementary schools in the town were put on LOCK DOWN and the state police, FBI, and National Guard were called in. Then, my parents would have probably gotten branded as bad parents for even letting me have such an evil thing as a machete... They'd probably be accused of not loving me enough... and we'd all probably have to go into family therapy, as per the court ruling, of course.

Ridiculous. It's really really sad how bad things have gotten... in just 10 years. [thinking]
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