Target Sports Delivering Again - Megathread

Or they have a metric butt ton. Considering the resellers here are looking for .70-.80 cpr for random garbage including steel, I’m sure they’re eating this up as well.
If I can’t find anyone willing to trade 22lr ammo for the 2k rounds of 9mm I have coming, I’ll probably just offload for 60-62 cents per round. Slightly below TSUSA and well below the classifieds.
Hint 😉 if anyone is me.
Also got 300 rounds of 300BO coming. Will have it all on Saturday.

Anyway, sorry to drift off topic!
Carry on!
What are you waiting for? I bought a case. Comes in some sort of ammo can. I didn’t have any brass except for the one box I got today and figured why not? The dollar is not giving me anymore purchase power.

This is what prime really shines for. Especially when they actually have things in stock and by the box.

Decided to grab a few boxes of the x39 brass because... reasons. But I get the case pricing and free shipping. That’s worth it to me.
Email says my Prime gift was delivered Saturday to the "dock". I hope UPS is enjoying my ammo can [crying]

I was assuming the driver marked it delivered and was delayed for snow, but after he dropped off an order today, I might call
Yeah the packaging is a little wonky but it looks good with a nice crimp and annealing. There is no ballistics info for it nor testing but the 9mm did seem anemic with one YT test. Shall I say not anemic but just kinda low on the fps?
View attachment 448676
The website shows about 2200fps in the steel core and about 2000fps with the lead core...
Damn that Wolf x39 didn't last long.
So those of you that buy a lot from TSUSA, I should receive the x39 ammo by the weekend right? they ship fast from what I gather?
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