Target Sports Delivering Again - Megathread

Got mine yesterday also. LGS also received theirs and proceeded to mark it up 70%. I laughed that everything they had in stock this week is what was posted here.
Problem is so many new gun owners or people not internet savvy they don’t know any better and just pay the price.
Age is of no consequence. I just haven't seen it on small cartridges. Just cracked open a box of 5.56 dated 2011. I'm thinking of selling it as vintage. Not.
Wow...are those 9's dated 2018? I don't recall ever seeing a head stamp with a date on handgun ammo. Rifle ammo, sure. That's kind of unique.

they are indeed head stamped 2018, I just pulled them out to check again... so do I shoot the stuff first that I bought back in 2018, 2019 or 2020 where I know how it’s been stored, or do I shoot this “new” ammo first? 🤔

doesn’t really matter, age is just a number anyways... applies to ammo and women 😉 haha
That Belom is sealed anyway. If it is indeed military grade, it should be good to go for long term storage. I squirrelled away my box of X39 in a secret, undisclosed location with the rest of the precious metals.
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Armour Sports in Taunton, as of now....

Well, if people need it, at least it’s there. TS is probably the only place many small shops can get ammo at this point 😕. Just kinda funny how many of those boxes I recognize as recent personal acquisitions.
Also, there is a fair amount of people that have no idea about ammo shipped to MA. 50,000 new gun owners last year and I doubt NES membership is up by the same number.
this thread is toxic - i had to go re-count again of how much of each caliber i have. did not order anything, very proud of myself now as it is finally OOS.

No shit - I did an inventory count this past weekend to stay somewhat sane. I’m still looking for WWB .45ACP which I missed earlier this week. Stupid work...
I was in a small LGS three weeks ago got to talking with owner. Told him I had a considerable amount of CCI mini mags and he got all excited asking me if I would sell him some. Since I had paid about 4 cents a round after a rebate about 16 months ago I said nope I’m gonna keep it until we all see where this is going.
Apparently this is in stock if you call in the order with Natchez. Probably the same thing they were doing on Tuesday when I ordered.
I don’t t think so. What shop does he own? GOM licks boots. 10/10 would not recommend.
I think GOM is in Bridgewater? Hate to say that based on the comments, plenty of people can’t wait to pay $40 per box...

Must be a lot of noob buyers.

And yes the owners of that shop believe healeys press release is actual law🙄
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