Target Sports Delivering Again - Megathread

look at this if you are not in MA - they do not ship to MA - but it is a good price for a good brand.
presumably free shipping for a case.
Thanks, but I am in MA. I did notice that on AmmoSeek. I wish I was not in MA because I agree that is a good price for a good brand.

At Least it is nice to see that not everybody is trying to gouge us.
Some nice offerings up. Pricey, but it's there.
45 LC .99 per
Aguila 45 Long Colt Ammo 200 Grain Round Nose Flat Point

38 Special .63 per

Black hills 50gr 5.56 1.50 per

Black hills 62gr 5.56 1.52 per

Last but certainly not least
Black hills 77gr mk262 mod 1 1.20 per Haven't seen this in a while.
Some nice offerings up. Pricey, but it's there.
45 LC .99 per
Aguila 45 Long Colt Ammo 200 Grain Round Nose Flat Point

38 Special .63 per

Black hills 50gr 5.56 1.50 per

Black hills 62gr 5.56 1.52 per

Last but certainly not least
Black hills 77gr mk262 mod 1 1.20 per Haven't seen this in a while.
Is it really that much better than the IMI. That's quite the difference.
The next time TS releases 5.56 BH mk262 77gr can someone buy me a 500 Rd case ? $20 over and a box of Win .45 HST's for your hassle and I'll pick them up before the charge shows up on your CC. Obviously around Central MA.. Anyone that met me knows I'm good for it and keep my word.

I set up an alert but I never get it in time
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TSUSA does have this in stock:
My experience is that it’s just about as good as Black Hills and is going for $1 a round (Prime).

ETA Though I’m not the best shot in the world.:(

I already have some IMI, the other place has it for around $.94 a round, so maybe the same price as TS with shipping.
Reminds me of the good old days at the CMP e-Store.

Item No
QuantityDescriptionUnit PriceExtended Price

4C45F230-10001Federal Blazer 45acp230 FMJ 1000 rd/cs$406.00
4C9F124-10001Federal Blazer 9mm124 gr FMJ 1000 rd/cs$242.00
4C308FGMM2-2002Federal Gold Medal 308 168 grBTHP 200 rd/cs$196.00

Subtotal :$1,040.00
Sales Tax :$0.00
Total Amount :$1,040.00
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