Target Sports Delivering Again - Megathread

People should not forget when brass 9mm was 70cpr was quite a while. 9 and 22 are currently the only calibers whose price is on par with pre-scademic levels. None of the others are close to their normal pricing (45, 40, 38, 223, 308, etc).

That said, Geco has been up before and I don't recall much negative feedback here or on TS. Basically the same with the Euro exports. It's just range ammo.
As I did with the S&B a couple weeks ago I may do the same with the Geco as I was telling myself during the post covid/blm/shutdown farce that if I saw 4 cases of 9 for less than a grand that would be a buy the dip moment.
Cva accura inline break barrel and I use pellatized 40 or 50gr. A 209 primer and breech plug. Very easy to use and I just use bore butter for the barrel.

We will have to get together so I can check it out. I have been wanting to get into modern muzzleloaders to extend the season.
Very tempting for Geco at .21 cpr. If the quality is the same as times past then load up.

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Just an fyi this stuff is just about subsonic.




A good witness of our current environment so be careful buying ammo or even components these days.
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Big ones, boys.

9mm: 0.211 CPR:

7.62x39: 0.460 CPR:

Big ones, boys.

9mm: 0.211 CPR:

7.62x39: 0.460 CPR:

bought 1/2 Geco and 1/2 Republic. 10.50 a box.
bought 1/2 Geco and 1/2 Republic. 10.50 a box.
Saw that after the fact, it clocked in at 0.213 CPR so pretty much negligible difference compared with the 0.211 of New Republic; I had New Republic and Geco emails this morning and missed both but then got another New Republic email and so I went for the New Republic.
Rifle case, shotgun shell pouch thing, pistol rug, shotgun shell sling, safety glasses and some made in Pakistan scarf I think.
Crap, that's what's in the box! Stuff that will most likely make it to my club for raffle prizes or something.
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They can’t get rid of those shemaghs fast enough lol
Was at a shop yesterday - owner told me tsusa was illegal. He was quite convinced. Obviously it is not, but from what I have determined, it is illegal for a MA FFL to ship ammo to ma residents- out of state ffl’s are not subject to these rules, though. Gotta say- def a bit akward having him tell me that lol.

Was at a shop yesterday - owner told me tsusa was illegal. He was quite convinced. Obviously it is not, but from what I have determined, it is illegal for a MA FFL to ship ammo to ma residents- out of state ffl’s are not subject to these rules, though. Gotta say- def a bit akward having him tell me that lol.

Opinion driven by self-interest.
Was at a shop yesterday - owner told me tsusa was illegal. He was quite convinced. Obviously it is not, but from what I have determined, it is illegal for a MA FFL to ship ammo to ma residents- out of state ffl’s are not subject to these rules, though. Gotta say- def a bit akward having him tell me that lol.

MA lacks jurisdiction over interstate commerce. Online sales occur in the state of the vendor, not the state of the buyer. That doesn't stop MA from harassing online vendors over the issue, nor does it stop local gun stores from trying to get you to buy from them instead.

Was at a shop yesterday - owner told me tsusa was illegal. He was quite convinced. Obviously it is not, but from what I have determined, it is illegal for a MA FFL to ship ammo to ma residents- out of state ffl’s are not subject to these rules, though. Gotta say- def a bit akward having him tell me that lol.

The deli ticket emporium? He's been against online ammo orders since day one.

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