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I'm having a hard time understanding the delay on the outdoor range. Put up a sign and take the chain off the gate, there's essentially zero chance of transmission here.I just called the club and they said neither the indoor or outdoor range are open and won't be for at least another week.
News from leadership is as follows:
No explanation.
I am in concurrence with the several other folks who say 'open up'.
I do know that an A/C contractor has been installing refrigeration units to service the ready rooms today.
. Any officer may be removed by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members in good standing present at any special meeting called for this purpose. No vote on suspension or removal may be taken unless at least fifteen (15) days notice in writing shall have been given to the officer of the reasons for his removal and of the time and place of the special meeting at which such ballot on his removal be taken. At such special meetings, the officer shall be given a full hearing.
Brillo and others - yes, you're right.
This was news to me.
Per Eric - "TRPC RANGES WILL REOPEN ON MAY 26Th @ 10 AM" in his trademark all caps....because old people and computers.
The only explanation I can get is a desire to let things calm down, get 'proper signage'
Please don't kill the messenger.
I can understand a little caution, but are you suggesting that they can't voice their displeasure at the lack of communication and the slow snail movement of TR&P to reopen after the emperor of Massachusetts in all his magnanimous glory allowed us to have a tiny bit of our liberty back? I know they are all volunteers, and I appreciate the small group who make everything work at the club. But as constructive feedback i would say a little more communication would have been welcome.
I certainly appreciate all of your effort and help with the Club Bender, thanks for your posts here, they are very helpful.Whose job is it to notify members of what? Without an answer.... the club dispensed with most named roles 3 years ago. I'd otherwise say it was the role of the Secretary.
Most of the club bylaws are set in the 1970's, slightly updated. First class mail is mandated for certain notices.
The eboard finally got off their ass and posted on Facebook only took them 53 Hours after Baker announced they could open.
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Taunton Rifle & Pistol Club
23 hrs ·
The club and ranges are scheduled to reopen May 26th. Please check back soon for more information about how the reopening will work and what restrictions will be in place. Thank you to all of our members for your patience and continued support.
Executive board. If it consists of three people it is also a triumvirate.What's an E-board?
A few quick points
Indoor range to open 10 AM tomorrow.
Outdoor range to open tomorrow - I do not have a time, or I'd include it.
Wear a mask, expect to be subject to an IR contactless thermometer scan. Total occupants in building will be limited.
No guests, looks like ill be going elsewhere unless it’s lifted soon.This is the message on Facebook:
Both the indoor and outdoor ranges are now open. Welcome back everyone! For the time being the ranges are open to memebers and their families only. No guests. Everyone is required to wear a face covering and practice social distancing. This applies to the outdoor as well as the indoor facility. As always, please be considerate of your fellow members and practice safe shooting. As a reminder to those using the outdoor range, shooting must stop at sunset. As restrictions are eased further, we will post the changes here and on our site.